He died when part of a house he was inspecting fell on him

In memory of Sergio Sanlés, Vigo firefighter who died in the act of duty

This Saturday, my city, Vigo, received the sad news of the death of one of the members of its Fire Department.

The deceased is Sergio Sanlés Domínguez, 49 years old, married with children, and who had been serving in the Fire Department for two decades. He had previously been an agent of the Vigo Local Police. The official was inspecting a collapsed house on Beiramar Avenue, when a part of the house fell on him. A large stone caused his death instantly. The City Council has decreed two days of official mourning.

The Vigo Fire Department was founded on August 31, 1895. Its members have been serving this city in an admirable way for more than a century and saving many lives. The fulfillment of their duty often requires putting their physical integrity at risk. In 2009 this Corps received the City's Gold Medal. Their work is highly appreciated by all the residents of Vigo.

My condolences and my hug to Sergio's family and colleagues. Give him eternal rest, Lord. Let perpetual light shine upon him. Rest in peace.

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