Two clear examples of unscrupulous socialists who believe that anything goes

The common goal of Maduro and Sánchez with their propaganda messages for idiots

Esp 9·05·2024 · 6:02 0

Socialism is an ideological scam that consists of convincing millions of deluded people that it will rob the rich to benefit the poor.

The list of Spanish politicians, all from the extreme left, who endorse Nicolás Maduro
Sánchez, his mafia-like exercise of power and the silence of a large part of journalism

The goal of socialism and its consequences

In reality, the common goal of all socialists is to concentrate as much power as possible in the State, with political power that is increasingly less limited and with fewer democratic checks and balances, and subjecting an ever-increasing percentage of wealth to the control of politicians, something that encourages corruption and generates economies that are less and less competitive due to hyper-regulation. The result is always the same: ruining entire countries and enriching the corrupt socialist caste at the expense of robbing the people. There are many examples of this, but today we can cite two very clear ones on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, two examples of unscrupulous socialists who believe that anything goes to satisfy their desires and achieve their political objectives.

Venezuela's socialist dictatorship's propaganda for idiots

In South America we have the case of Venezuela, a country rich in oil that has been ruined by the socialist regime of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro, two tyrants who became rich by robbing Venezuelans and subjecting them to a dictatorship that even arrests teenagers for asking for freedom.

A few days ago, Ian Miles Cheong posted on Twitter the video that the Maduro regime is using to attack Elon Musk for his defense of freedom of expression, a clear example of propaganda for idiots, who are the only ones who can swallow a way of demonizing the enemy that is very reminiscent of those used by the Nazis and communists in Europe:

The economic disaster of socialism in Spain

On this side of the Atlantic, Spain is the current clearest case of the dire consequences of socialism. Under the coalition government of Pedro Sánchez, which brings together socialists and communists, Spain is the country in Europe with the highest unemployment rate. In 2023, Spain became the country in Europe with the most child poverty, with 26% of the population at risk of poverty. While this is happening on the economic level, on the political level Sánchez's priority is to cling to power at any price, granting all kinds of concessions to his separatist partners, at the expense of the rest of the Spaniards.

A corrupt government that sustains itself by granting privileges to its allies

One of the most recent concessions granted by Sánchez to the separatists was to grant fiscal autonomy to Catalonia, one of the regions of Spain. It has been known for weeks that this measure will force the other Spanish regions to raise taxes. In other words, the poorest regions will pay more taxes to privilege one of the richest regions, with the sole purpose of ensuring that Sánchez does not lose the support that keeps her in power.

Meanwhile, the socialist government is plagued by corruption scandals that affect Sánchez himself and his personal entourage. The reaction of his government, in the purest style of Venezuelan socialism, has been to threaten the judges and the media investigating these scandals. All this - it must be said - with the complicit silence of the European Commission of Ursula von der Leyen, which heads a coalition with the socialists.

Pedro Sánchez's propaganda for idiots

As if reality didn't matter to him in the slightest, yesterday Sánchez launched into a new show of self-promotion, boasting of heading a "clean government" (in the midst of a wave of socialist corruption scandals) and announcing more taxes for those with the most savings, saying of them that "they have enough money in the bank to live a hundred lives". Sánchez completed this display of demagogy by saying that "Spain will be a better country" if it has "more public transport and fewer Lamborghinis."

What Sánchez did yesterday is nothing new: it is the same propaganda for idiots with which socialism has dedicated itself to robbing entire towns, fomenting envy among those who have the least in order to receive their support in its policies of fiscal plunder, which in the end end up affecting everyone. This is the 70th tax increase since Sanchez came to power in 2018, an increase in tax pressure with which he is plundering the middle class and is scaring away investors who create jobs and wealth. This is one of the reasons why Spain has such a high unemployment rate.

A mixture of idiocy, fanaticism and self-interest

Obviously, no economic data will convince those who insist on continuing to vote for the socialists, despite having already led Spain to ruin three times in recent decades (with Felipe González, with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and now with Pedro Sánchez). Socialist propaganda takes its voters for idiots, and it is surely not wrong in many cases to maintain this idea.

But without ruling out the possibility that there is a significant percentage of idiots, there are many socialist voters who do not think of changing their vote out of fanaticism, because they are immune to the facts and have a certain interest in it. They do not care that reality has demonstrated countless times the failure of the ruinous socialist economic recipes. They want to continue having the opportunity to live at the expense of others, based on the subsidies distributed by the left, even if this results in an economy and a society that is increasingly degraded and closer to Third World levels.


Photos: RTVE / Europa Press.

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