Pro-Russian, antisemitic, Maduro-supporting party attacks clasic liberal journalist

The reasons that the communist scum of Podemos have for detesting Mario Noya

Esp 9·11·2024 · 6:03 0

The far left has a long tradition of acting in bully mode and pointing out its enemies from within institutions.

Pedro Sánchez's partners reject European condemnation of the Hamas terrorist attack
The evil message of Podemos on the murder of a Spanish woman by the Russians in Ukraine

A Podemos deputy points at a journalist from the Congress tribune

Yesterday, on the podium of Congress, Javier Sánchez Serna, a deputy for the communist party Podemos, singled out and slandered the classic liberal journalist Mario Noya, framing him among a supposed group of "pro-genocide Zionists". I must confess that after learning this fact, I envy my friend Mario: it is a great honour to be attacked in this way by a rubbish party like Podemos. What would have worried Mario, if that had been the case, would have been that that communist scum would praise him.

Podemos voted against the European condemnation of the Hamas terrorist attack

Certainly, that trash party has reasons to hate the director of Voz Media. To begin with, Mario Noya has not supported any genocide, but rather Israel's right to defend itself against terrorist attacks such as the one committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, the worst massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust. I think it is necessary to remember that eleven days later, the European Parliament approved a resolution condemning the Hamas attack and did so with overwhelming support: 500 votes in favor, 21 against and 24 abstentions. Podemos was among the few who rejected this condemnation.

In other words, the party that slanders Mario Noya is the same Podemos that rejected the condemnation of the murders of 1,200 Israelis (including children and babies) and the rapes of Israeli women by Hamas terrorists. After all, Podemos is the most hostile party to Israel in Europe, according to a study by a European NGO last year. A hostility whose origin is easy to guess: in a public act, the founder of Podemos recognized that he allowed himself to be used by Iran to destabilize Spain. Coincidentally, this Islamist dictatorship is also one of the main sponsors of Hamas.

The antisemitism of this far-left party

The far left often disguises this hatred of Israel by saying that it is "anti-Zionism" but not anti-Semitism, but the facts say otherwise. In October 2022, Congress debated an initiative against anti-Semitism that was promoted by the Madrid Assembly with the votes of the PP and Vox. This initiative called for denying all subsidies to entities that promote hatred against Jews. Congress approved this initiative by 283 votes in favor, 33 against and 7 abstentions. Podemos voted against, along with the rest of the anti-Semitic far-left. Can you guess? Javier Sánchez Serna was one of the deputies who voted against (see PDF).

Podemos rejected the European condemnation of the crimes of genocide of Nazism and Communism

Moreover, since the Podemos MP is talking about "genocide", it is worth remembering that in 2019 the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning the crimes of Nazism and Communism. The text stated that "the Nazi and communist regimes carried out mass murders, genocide and deportations and caused a loss of life and freedom in the 20th century on a scale unseen in human history."

In March 2021, the PP brought this European resolution to Congress. Podemos and the rest of the far-left voted against it, meaning that Podemos rejected the European condemnation of crimes of genocide committed by nazism and communism. Yes, the same Podemos that now falsely accuses Mario Noya of supporting genocide. You might be interested to know that Javier Sánchez Serna was one of the deputies who voted against (see PDF). After that, he has to be very brazen to say what he said yesterday about Mario.

Podemos's favors to Putin's dictatorship

On the other hand, Mario Noya has been supporting the cause of Ukraine against the Russian invasion, something typical of a democrat. On the contrary, according to a study carried out by the NGO VoteWatch Europe two years ago, Podemos is one of the most pro-Russian parties in Spain. This has been known for years: in November 2014, the pro-government Russian media called Podemos a "pro-Russian party", highlighting its hostility to NATO and the United States and its attacks on the Ukrainian government. After the invasion began, Podemos criticized the sending of military aid to Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia.

Similarly, in March 2022, three MEPs who ran on the Unidas Podemos lists refused to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine in a vote held in the European Parliament. In November 2022, when the European Parliament accused Russia of terrorism in Ukraine (in response to Putin's campaign of terror against the Ukrainian civilian population), one Podemos MEP voted against and another abstained.

Moreover, the leaders of this far-left party have parroted the Kremlin's rhetoric on this invasion: in May, Ione Belarra, referred to the Russian invasion as "the war of Ukraine and the United States", without mentioning Russia, the invading country. Similarly, a year ago, Podemos dedicated a lukewarm message to the murder of a Spanish aid worker by the Russians, without mentioning the murderers.

The Spanish puppets of the Nicolás Maduro dictatorship

Finally, for years Mario Noya has been rejecting the socialist dictatorship of Venezuela and supporting the democratic opposition. On the contrary, Podemos deputies and leaders have shown their support for dictator Nicolás Maduro after his new electoral fraud. In fact, Podemos has repeatedly rejected requests for freedom for Venezuela's political prisoners. Like the rest of the far left, this communist party is one of Maduro's puppets in Spain.

So, it is normal that the communist scum Podemos hates a democrat and defender of freedom like Mario Noya, just as they hate the democratic opposition in Venezuela, the heroic defenders of Ukraine and the only real democracy in the Middle East, which is Israel. Podemos is the clearest demonstration of the kind of anti-democratic trash that is the extreme left. It is an honor to be attacked by these enemies of freedom, friend Mario. Congratulations.

P.S.: If you want to follow Mario Noya on Twitter (I recommend it), this is his account: @MarioNoyaM. The attack launched by Podemos against him yesterday is the best proof that Mario is worth following.



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