They publish a note about the crime with the slogan 'Patriarchy fucks us all'

A feminist shoots and murders a girl and feminists blame 'a male system'

Esp 5·03·2017 · 23:47 0

It happened last week in Argentina. A 27 year old woman summoned a 13 year old girl through Facebook to a fight between girls. The girl was shot at close range.

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This time feminists have not organized a protest call

Jorgelina Domínguez Reyes has been detained for this crime, after discovering that she was who summoned the girl to the fight. Her boyfriend has also been arrested. He would have participated in the events and was driving the car in which the alleged perpetrator of the murder would have arrived at the scene of the crime carrying a .38 caliber weapon. According to the latest data known, the detainee woman had already assaulted prior to the girl, and on Saturday she would have shot the murdered by the back, reaching her on one shoulder and on the head. These events have caused a deep commotion in the Argentine city of Trelew, scene of the crime, but curiously the feminist movement has not made any protest call, as it does with other crimes against women.

The detainee woman supports the feminist movement 'Ni una menos'

There is the fact that the alleged perpetrator of the crime was a supporter of the feminist movement "Ni una menos" (Not one less), which has called for several mobilizations in Argentina against the murders of women by their boyfriends or their husbands. In her now inaccessible Facebook account, she had published the photo of Araceli Fulles, a young woman brutally murdered a few days ago in Buenos Aires, and has repeatedly published the "Ni una menos" symbols. So far, the Facebook page of this movement has not published anything about the crime or the alleged involvement of one of its activists in it.

A feminist group, about this crime: "it is not a femicide"

The one that has spoken is the Open Gender Chair Trelew, a radical feminist group that organizes the mobilizations of "Ni una menos" in that Argentine city. Today it published an amazing statement on his Facebook page in which it states: "Yes, death hurts us. All the deaths hurt us. But not every woman's death is a femicide." After describing the alleged murderer's relationship with its movement as "irony" and calling it a "lie" that she is a leader of it - as some newspapers have reported -, the feminist group accuses to the media of "delegitimizing the struggle of women", and specifically blaming "local and national media" for a "game of delegitimation of feminist and antirepressive movements and organizations." The feminist group insists on its denial: "it is not a femicide". And then it goes on to point out to whom they consider the real person responsible for crimes like this: "in every body of a woman who dies appears the shadow of a male system." That is, a woman is detained as the alleged perpetrator of the murder, but according to feminists the blame is on the men. And to complete the task, they finish the note with an image of a banner that says "Patriarchy fucks us all". A 27-year-old woman who shoots a girl in the back is "patriarchy"?

(Photo: Cátedra Abierta de Género Trelew. A manifestation of the feminist movement 'Ni una menos' in Telew, Argentina, in May 2016)

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