In 5 of them the persecution against Christians reaches extreme levels

15 member countries of the United Nations Human Rights Council persecute Christians

Esp 12·10·2019 · 6:46 1

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights protects religious freedom in its Article 18, including the freedom to change religion and manifest it both in public and in private.

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In 5 of those 15 countries the persecution againts Christians reaches extreme levels

However, this human right is not respected by some countries that are currently part of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations (UN). The list of current members is surprising if we review the World Persecution List 2019 published by the Christian NGO Open Doors. According to the data published in that report, we find the following:

  • Countries of the Human Rights Council in which there is extreme persecution against Christians: Afghanistan, Eritrea, India, Pakistan and Somalia.
  • Countries of the Human Rights Council in which there is a very high persecution against Christians: China, Egypt, Iraq, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia.
  • Countries of the Human Rights Council in which there is a high persecution against Christians: Bangladesh.

Thus, in total 15 member countries of that Human Rights Council persecute Christians because of their faith, that is, by limiting, in various ways and in various degrees, Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Significantly, most of those countries, a total of 10, are members of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OCI): Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Tunisia. There is also the circumstance that in one of those countries, Saudi Arabia, the death penalty is applied to anyone who converts to a religion other than Islam. Likewise, two of these countries have far-left governments: China (it is a communist dictatorship) and Mexico.

Of those 15 countries only one has been condemned by that Council

To the above, it should be added that of the countries mentioned, only Eritrea has been condemned by that Human Rights Council. Despite their numerous violations against these rights - and not only the right to religious freedom -, countries such as Saudi Arabia and China have never received any conviction, the first being an absolute monarchy and the second a communist dictatorship. In contrast, a democracy like Israel, where Christians do enjoy religious freedom, has received 68 convictions. It is worth asking what credibility the UN has as a body for the protection and promotion of human rights if it entrusts their defense to countries that actively violate them, and without being condemned by the body in charge of defending them.

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  1. kishi

    Do you know North Korea?

    North Korea is the most dangerous place on earth to be a Christian.
    But despite this, the church in North Korea is not small. Experts estimate that there are between 200,000 and 400,000 Christians in North Korea.

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