They demand the resignation of Pedro Sánchez for his "disastrous management"
A group of intellectuals have published a manifesto in which they encourage the Spaniards to demonstrate and demand the resignation of Pedro Sánchez and the formation of a new government.
After two weeks the protests against the Spanish government do not lose intensity
Great success of the Vox rallies in Spain to claim the resignation of the Government
For its interest I reproduce here the manifesto, and I take this opportunity to show the adhesion of Counting Stars to it:
Manifesto for national resistance
In the past days, thousands of Spaniards have taken to the streets while scrupulously respecting health indications against the coronavirus pandemic, in order to express our rejection of the multiple lies perpetrated by an incompetent, sectarian and corrupt government. For weeks, millions of us have protested from our windows and balconies against a disastrous management of our health system as well as the curtailment of our fundamental freedoms.
We protest against:
- The mismanagement of this health crisis, which has pushed Spain to the bottom rank, along with countries with the highest world ratios of the sick and the deceased, not to mention the numbers of infected health personnel.
- The criminal lack of responsibility shown by our government (a coalition of socialists —PSOE— and communists —Unidas Podemos—) which placed its political and ideological interests above the need for an urgent response, just as the pandemic was beginning to spread and could have been contained during the week prior to March 8th (when a feminist mass-demonstration was not only permitted, but even encouraged, even though it was already known to those responsible that it could bring about a dramatic increase in mortality).
- Counterproductive economic measures improvised in haste by our government, and which are provoking a serious labour and business crisis that will sink our nation into ruin, thereby creating impoverishment and hunger for the most disadvantaged.
- The masking by our government of real death statistics attributed to the coronavirus, for at least a third of the actual numbers are being kept hidden from the public while the official figures made known by our autonomous regions are outrageously rejected.
- The government’s failure to obtain valid tests, face masks or other types of protection materials essential for an efficient solution to the crisis and a quick reopening of our economy.
- The curtailing of our civic and constitutional rights, a situation which has turned our state of alarm into a de facto state of emergency with no legal basis, appropriate only to war periods. Police control has expanded beyond the rightfully permissible, and penalties are being handed out for something as innocuous as carrying the Spanish flag on the streets. Up until May 23rd, we were seeing in shock that only friends and allies of the Government were being allowed to demonstrate.
- The political use of the state of alarm to push laws that reinforce the dominion of extreme left ideology over society.
- The manipulation of information by a highly subsidized and controlled public and private media, and censorship of social networks with the ensuing criminalization of opponents.
What are we demanding?
- Immediate repeal of the state of alarm, while maintaining appropriate sanitary mesures of prevention as recommended by a reliable and transparent committee of experts whose members are all known to the public.
- Immediate normalization of family, social and economic life, with special attention to risk groups.
- Immediate payment of ERTES (temporary layoffs) and financial aids, as stipulated by law for the survival of small businesses and the economic security of the self-employed.
- The inmediate resignation of the entire cabinet of Pedro Sánchez, and a royal ordinance issued by H. M. the King, which appoints a new president by naming an independent personality who enjoys the support of all constitutional parties in the Spanish Parliament. We demand a new government, made up of technical experts and managers who are capable of coping with the health crisis and its terrible economic and social consequences. All of the above ought to be followed by a call for national elections one year later.
An appeal to Spaniards
Spaniards, our nation and our rule of law are being put in danger by a government that has demonstrated, time and again, its indifference to the grave damages that are being caused to our people. We are calling on all to demonstrate massively and peacefully, while respecting all health indications, in order to bring about the change we need in order to regain freedom and hope.
- Alfonso Ussía, journalist and writer.
- Ángel Fernández, doctor in economics.
- Antonio Caballos Rufino, professor of Ancient History (U. de Sevilla)
- Antonio de la Hoz, economist.
- Aquilino Duque, poet and writer, national prize for literature.
- Arnaud Imatz, Hispanist.
- Carlos Bustelo García del Real, economist and former minister.
- Carlos López Díaz, business advisor and writer.
- Carlos Rodríguez Braun, writer and professor of History of Economic Thought (UCM).
- Carlos Ruiz Miguel, Professor of Constitutional Law (U. de Santiago de Compostela).
- Dalmacio Negro Pavón, Professor of History of Ideas and Political Forms (UCM).
- Elio Gallego García, Professor of Theory and Philosophy of Law (U. San Pablo-CEU).
- Emma Nogueiro, journalist and writer.
- Fernando Sánchez Dragó, writer.
- Francisco Javier García Alonso, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry (U. de Oviedo).
- Francisco José Fernández de la Cigoña, lawyer and blogger.
- Francisco Saavedra, president of SCJ Vita.
- Jesús Cotta Lobato, poet and writer.
- Jesús Huerta de Soto, Professor of Political Economy (U. Rey Juan Carlos).
- Jesús Palacios, journalist and historian.
- Joaquín Pintos de Mora, commander of the Civil Guard (r.).
- José Francisco Serrano Oceja, Professor of journalism (U. San Pablo-CEU).
- José Javier Esparza, journalist and writer..
- José Luis Cendejas, doctor in Economics.
- Juan Manuel Cansino, Professor of Economics(U. de Sevilla)
- Julio Ariza, lawyer and president of El Toro TV.
- Manuel Bustos Rodríguez, Professor of Modern History (U. de Cádiz).
- Miguel d’Ors, poet.
- Miguel Platón, journalist and historian.
- Pío Moa, historian and writer.
- Rafael de la Guerra Gallego, doctor in Medicine.
- Rafael Sánchez Saus, Professor of Medieval History (U. de Cádiz)
- Romualdo Maestre, journalist.
- Emilio de Miguel, retired lawyer.
- Enrique Battaner Arias, professor of medicine at the University of Salamanca (retired) and Full Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Salamanca.
- Julio Pomés, president of Civismo and doctor of Chemical Sciences.
- Juan Ángel Soto, president of Civismo and doctor of Chemical Sciences director of Civics and Graduate in Business Administration and Law from the University of Navarra.
- Francisco Cabrillo, Professor of Political Economy and Public Finance (UCM).
- Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés, CSIC Research Professor.
- Fernando Fernández Gómez, archeologist and academic.
- María Fidalgo Casares, PhD in History and academic.
- Agustín Probanza Lobo, Professor of Plant Physiology and Vice-Rector of the Universidad San Pablo-CEU.
- Marta Villar Ezcurra, Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the Universidad San Pablo-CEU.
- Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría y García de Dueñas, Professor of Commercial Law at the Universidad San Pablo-CEU.
- Carmen Fernández de la Cigoña Cantero, DSI professor at the Universidad San Pablo-CEU.
- Luis del Pino, engineer and journalist, director of Sin Complejos program at EsRadio.
- Anwar Saab Mazei, doctor of Medicine, neurosurgeon.
- José Rivela Rivela, Art teacher in secondary education (retired).
- Javier Fariña Mara, photographer and teacher of history in secondary education.
- Mónica Lejarreta, Latin and Greek teacher.
- Iñigo Martínez de Pisón Aparicio, Doctor of Law, Professor of Administrative Law (UCM).
- Pedro Escolano Belmonte, Bachelor of Political Science, USP-CEU PhD seminar.
- Romualdo Bermejo García, Professor of Public International Law at the Universidad de León.
- Adrián Mac Liman, writer and journalist.
- Cesáreo Gutiérrez Espada, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the Universidad de Murcia.
- Pedro Fernández Barbadillo, journalist and writer.
- Javier Romero Gómez, Professor of Physilogy (UCH-CEU, on leave).
- Emilio Surí Quesada, poet, narrator and journalist.
- Ángel Pérez Guerra, journalist.
- Manuel Marcos Fal, president of Club de Debates Melchor de Jovellanos.
- Juan Carlos Valderrama Abenza, full professor of History of Political Thought, U. Cardenal Herrera CEU.
Photo: Efe.
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