It seems that Putin and his puppet Aleksandr Lukashenko are not the only ones using the migration attack from Belarus to destabilize Poland.
The Polish opposition tries to take political advantage of the attack
The Polish parliamentary opposition, led by the Platforma Obywatelska (PO, Citizen Platform, the Polish partner of the European People's Party), is using this crisis to try to wear down the Mateusz Morawiecki government. The PO has a habit of aligning itself with the interests of the German political class, a country where until recently its partners in the CDU ruled. But this time he has slowed down in his attacks on the Polish government.
Opposition leader says Poland rejected German border aid
Yesterday, the Polish conservative-liberal media revealed a curious case of political intoxication from Germany through the PO using the Belarusian migratory invasion as a pretext. Paweł Poncyljusz, deputy chairman of the PO parliamentary group in the Sejm (the lower chamber of the Polish Parliament), posted this message yesterday at noon on his Twitter account:
Właśnie rozmawiałem z niemieckim posłem do Bundestag’u o sytuacji na polskiej granicy. Według niego niemiecki minister spr. wew. proponuje polskiemu MSWiA wsparcie wraz z delegowaniem niemieckich policjantów do pomocy w PL, ale polski rząd nie chce pomocy!
— Paweł Poncyljusz (@PawelPoncyljusz) November 8, 2021
El mensaje dice lo siguiente: "I have just talked with a German member of the Bundestag [German Parliament] about the situation on the Polish border. According to him, the German minister of foreign affairs proposes support to the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration along with the delegation of German policemen to help in Poland, but the Polish government does not want help!"
Donald Tusk makes a portrait of himself attacking the Polish government
Poncyljusz has not disclosed which member of the Bundestag transmitted him this information. Two hours later, the president of the PO and former president of the European Commission, Donald Tusk, joined the criticism of the Polish government with this message:
Mateuszu, migranci to nie jest polityczne złoto, pandemia to nie biznes, aborcja nie spadła wam z nieba. Nie myśl, jak zarobić na dramatach i problemach Polaków, tylko jak je rozwiązać!
— Donald Tusk (@donaldtusk) November 8, 2021
The message, in which he mentions the Polish Prime Minister by his first name, reads as follows: "Mateusz, migrants are not political gold, pandemics are not business, abortion has not fallen from heaven. Do not think how to profit from the dramas and problems of Poles, but how to solve them!"
Tusk's criticism seemed a reflection of the attitude of his own author, something that in psychology is called "projection." Throughout yesterday, the president of the PO did not publish a single message of support for the border guards and soldiers defending the eastern border of Poland. He limited himself to trying to get a political slice out of the Belarusian attack.
The government's response: Germany offered aid for the German-Polish border
At 4:15 p.m., these political maneuvers by the PO ran into this response from Maciej Wąsik, deputy of the Polish Minister of the Interior, to Poncyljusz explaining what help had been offered by Germany:
Niemiecki MSW zaproponował polskiemu odpowiednikowi patrole na zachodniej granicy Polski, nad Odrą i Nysa Łużycką, a nie na wschodniej nad Bugiem i Świsłoczą. Zanim coś @PawelPoncyljusz napiszesz - dobrze sprawdź, czy to nie fejk. Chyba, że coś źle zrozumiałeś?
— Maciej Wąsik 🇵🇱 (@WasikMaciej) November 8, 2021
The Wąsik message says the following: "The German Ministry of the Interior proposed to the Polish counterpart patrols on the western border of Poland, on the Oder and Nysa Łużycka, and not on the eastern one on the Bug and Świsłoczą. Before you write anything, Pawel Poncyljusz - check if it's not a fake. Unless you got something wrong?"
For those who do not know it, in Poland they have the custom of referring to their borders by the rivers located next to them. Odra is what the Oder river is called in Poland, and Nysa Łużycka is what the Poles call the Neisse. These are rivers close to the border with Germany. In summary: that the German Interior Ministry offered Poland help on its border with Germany, where there is no migratory attack, and not on the Bug and Świsłocz (Svíslach) rivers, which are located near the border with Belarus.
A political intoxication turned against intoxicants
The one offered by Germany is an absurd and unnecessary help, and furthermore used by the German government, as we can see, to try to erode the Polish government by leaking it to its colleagues in the PO. But this attempt at political intoxication has turned against its promoters: both the German government and its Polish terminals have been made a fool of by the Polish people. Of course, no foreign media has given news about it. Counting Stars is the first non-Polish medium to offer this information.
Photo: 18 Dywizja Zmechanizowana. A member of the Straż Graniczna (Polish Border Guard, left) together with a soldier from the 18th Mechanized Division "General Tadeusz Buk" of the Polish Army, guarding the border between Poland and Belarus.
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