Assault by the left and separatists against judicial independence

Abascal denounces "a coup to the Rule of Law and the Constitution" in Spain

Esp 12·15·2022 · 19:21 0

The government of Pedro Sánchez has culminated today in Congress, in a hurry, its assault on the separation of powers and judicial independence in Spain.

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The socialists of the PSOE, the communists of Podemos and their separatist partners have also approved the change in the mechanism for electing the magistrates of the Constitutional Court (TC) and the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), which until now it required a qualified majority of three fifths. Now an absolute majority will suffice, which ensures that the government will be able to control Justice at its will, violating the separation of powers.

In addition, the government and its allies have approved the repeal of the crime of sedition and the reduction of the crime of embezzlement of public funds, a concession to the separatist leaders who have been convicted of both crimes so that they government partners allow Pedro Sánchez to continue in power for another year. It is a colossal act of corruption: a government trading with the Penal Code for its private interest, in order to obtain the support of some criminals.

Faced with this situation, the president of Vox, the third most voted party in Spain, held a press conference accompanied by deputies from that formation. Santiago Abascal has denounced that "we are witnessing an institutional coup, a blow to the rule of law and the Constitution, in the terms of highly reputable magistrates on leave from the Constitutional Court who have denounced, despite of being appointed by the majorities called progressives, the coup intentions of the government of Pedro Sánchez".

The president of Vox has stated: "We are living through the most delicate moment of Spanish democracy, and today we urgently want to address the Spanish people to say that we are going to do everything that it be in our power to prevent this institutional coup, this blow to the rule of law, to censor this government, point it out to national and international public opinion because democracy and the constitution are at stake".

You can listen to Abascal's speech at this press conference here (the video is in Spanish, you can activate the automatic subtitles in English in the bottom bar of the player):


Photo: Vox Congreso.

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