Spain suffers the effects of a left so absorbed in its ideological dogmas that it refuses to see the effects that it is already having in other countries.
A law that violates fundamental rights
Yesterday, the Congress of Deputies approved the so-called "Trans Law". If anyone is unaware of its content, here you can read the text approved by Congress and the two Senate amendments approved yesterday, and here you can see its parliamentary dossier, which shows what each party voted for.
Before addressing its content, it should be noted that the Trans Law was processed as an ordinary law despite the fact that it regulates -and infringes- fundamental rights, including the right to equality, freedom of speech, freedom of education, freedom of information and even the presumption of innocence, since its Article 66 establishes the reversal of the burden of proof, that is, if you are accused of discrimination you have to prove your innocence, something inappropriate for a democracy and more typical in totalitarian regimes.
Its processing has violated Article 81 of the Constitution
Let us remember that Article 81 of the Spanish Constitution requires that these types of regulations be processed as organic laws, for whose approval an absolute majority is required. This was recalled by the General Council of the Judiciary in its report on this law (see point 30 bis of the report), but the government ignored it. It deals with a root cause of unconstitutionality, but the left-wing trusts that the Constitutional Court, now controlled by it, will turn a blind eye even in the face of such a serious irregularity.
It will irreversibly destroy the health of minors
Regarding the content of this new norm, the Trans Law imposes the dogmas of queer theory, the most extreme version of gender ideology, for which biology is irrelevant when it comes to determining the sex of a person and mere self-perception is enough to change the sex registered in the census and even to submitting minors to surgical treatments that will destroy their health, and specifically their genitals, irreversibly. It is not an assumption: it is already happening in other countries, but the Spanish left-wing decided to look the other way. For this characteristic alone, this law should entail demanding criminal liability from its promoters -starting with the Minister of Equality, the communist Irene Montero- regarding the very serious effects it will have on health of people.
The favor of the Trans Law to sexual offenders
But the harmful effects of this irresponsible law do not end there. Two months ago we already saw here the risks of its Article 41 and how it could favor sexual offenders, by giving them access to spaces reserved for women, such as prisons, showers and women's locker rooms. As we already saw in that article, both Vox and the PP warned about these risks in their amendments to the law, but these were rejected by the leftist majority in Congress. Feminist groups also raised the alert about it, but have been ignored by the government. Irene Montero did not want anyone to touch even a comma of her law, and in fact her group, Unidas Podemos, even voted yesterday against an amendment that was limited to correcting a terminological error in the wording of the standard.
The precedent of the Scottish Trans Law that the left has ignored
We are not talking about hypothetical risks. As we saw in December, there have already been cases in other countries of sexual offenders who have taken advantage of laws such as the Spanish Trans Law to request their transfer to female prisons and, once in them, sexually assault women. In fact, a case like that has precipitated the resignation of the main minister of Scotland after having promoted a law like the one approved yesterday in Spain. A man convicted of two rapes and who now defines himself as trans has been sent to a women's prison. He is about a person who continues to be endowed with a penis, which would allow him to continue raping in prison. To this we must add that 521 sex offenders they have changed their name in three years, taking advantage of the Scottish Trans Law. The Spanish Trans Law does not include any provisions to avoid something like this.
The same arrogance that ended up benefiting more than 500 sexual offenders
The law promoted by the coalition government made up of socialists and communists also does not put barriers to a boy who registers as a girl being able to access women's bathrooms and changing rooms in educational centers or sports institutions, with the consequent risk for underage girls. The left-wing government has allowed itself to be carried away by an ideological maximalism alien to reality, which does not admit that its formulations may contain errors and have serious effects for society, and specifically for women.
This is the same arrogant attitude that was seen in the process of the Organic Law of Sexual Freedom, also known as the "law of only yes is yes" (from the slogan used by Irene Montero to promote it). The result has been more than 500 sentence reductions -so far- for those convicted of rape and pedophilia. In addition to seeing their time in prison reduced, now the left-wing is doing them yet another favor by providing them with easy access to women's prisons. A curious "milestone" for a sector of the political map that constantly boasts of being "feminist" and defending women.
Photo: RTVE. The Minister of Equality, the communist Irene Montero, applauding in the plenary session this Thursday in Congress, in which the controversial Trans Law was approved.
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