They use and manipulate ideas such as patriotism or tradition, distorting them

Communism disguised as 'antiglobalism': a new Trojan horse against the right-wing

Esp 4·13·2023 · 7:10 0

There is an often repeated statement: that the enemies of my enemies are my friends. It's a very misconception of friendship.

Antiglobalism: the risk of repeating the trap of antifascism and anticommunism
Russian ideologue Dugin called to "destroy Catholicism" and "organize assassinations"

The concept 'globalism' and the effects of its imprecision

This idea is spreading a lot in the face of the so-called "globalism", a term to which I have already referred on occasion and which suffers from impreciseness. I have seen very different things labeled in this way, from cultural Marxism to NATO, including economic globalization, the concentration of power in international organizations and attempts to dissolve nations. This difficulty in identifying what globalism is has led some to see globalists everywhere, even where there are only people who disagree with the left but without falling into paranoia or giving rise to the idea that since the West is "globalist", then Russia and China are our saviors (some people are already reaching that degree of absurdity).

Are the ideologies dead?

Likewise, this lack of definition leads some to say that ideologies have died and that the right and the left no longer exist, since some sectors of them have overlapped and have been confused between them. yes, and that therefore we must open ourselves to alliances that would otherwise be unthinkable. However, the fact that there are transition zones between ideological and political currents does not mean that they do not exist. For example, there is a conservative liberalism and there is also a progressive liberalism, and in the same way there are different currents of socialism.

Communism and its Trojan horses: the 'Scheringer-Kurs'

This is nothing new, nor is it new that macaronic ideologies arise from certain marginal political ideologies or movements that mix elements of different, more or less antagonistic currents of thought. Sometimes, these ideologies become Trojan horses to attract followers beyond their ranks, followers who would not reach through the traditional forms of propaganda used by some political movements.

Marxism has a long tradition of such Trojan horses. In 2020 I spoke here about one such ploy, the "Scheringer-Kurs" to recruit Nazi militants by the Communist Party of Germany in 1932, a strategy that consisted of adding nationalist ingredients to the communist discourse (more or less what Hitler did when formulating his national-socialism). The strategy ended with the opposite result to that sought: many communists joined the nazis. After all, both totalitarian ideologies are not as different as some believe: just remember the antisemitic essay written by Karl Marx and what Otto Wagener wrote about Hitlerian socialism .

Pax, the communist Trojan horse against Polish Catholicism

After World War II, communism organized another Trojan horse to infiltrate Polish Catholicism: the Stowarzyszenie Pax (Pax Association), a movement organized in collaboration with the Soviet NKVD (the predecessor of the KGB) to support the Polish communist dictatorship and divide Catholics. Interestingly, among its founders were Bolesław Piasecki and other members of a fascist group created in 1935, the Ruch Narodowo-Radykalny Falanga, which combined nationalism, anti-liberalism and anti-communism, proposing a planned and controlled economy For the state.

Piasecki had been the founder of that party and ended up coinciding with the Polish communists, just as the anti-communism of the Nazis did not prevent them from allying with Soviet communism to invade Poland. The Pax Association promoted theses contrary to Catholic doctrine, attacked the Polish episcopate and dedicated itself to trying to infiltrate all circles of laymen and Catholic priests. Its support for communism was combined with a false patriotic discourse , even calling priests who were supporters of that movement "Księża Patrioci" (Patriot Priests).

A new Trojan horse to manipulate Hispanic peoples

One of the most recent communist Trojan horses is being developed in Spain and other Hispanic countries. It consists of combining the communist discourse with appeals to Hispanicity, but taking it beyond its traditional historical and cultural sense and manipulating it to turn it into a springboard for an anti-capitalist, anti-liberal and pro-communist discourse strong>, which appeals to sentiments that are very common among Hispanic peoples (such as rejection of the Anglo-Saxon world) to end up directing their speeches to approaches close to the extreme left and even to the theses of the Kremlin .

Some have called this movement "rojipardismo", considering it a bizarre approximation between the extreme left and the extreme right. But maybe the approach isn't so bizarre. What some traditionally label "far right" is actually a nationalist socialism more likely to get along with other forms of socialism than with liberal conservatism. There are cases like Dugin's Eurasianism, a mixture of fascism, communism and Russian nationalism that arouses admiration among some Hispanics who abhor so-called "globalism". What many are unaware of is that Eurasianism is furiously anti-Catholic and in favor of an alliance with Freemasonry, as I already pointed out here.

We must not forget what communism is from its inception

Obviously, faced with Trojan horses that appeal to that supposed friendship with the enemies of enemies, many allow themselves to be dragged into a trap for not doing something simple like looking at what is inside the horse before putting it in in his city, the same mistake that the Trojans made, carried away by the enthusiasm of believing that they had defeated the Greeks. We don't have to try too hard to detect what kind of things we can find inside this new Trojan horse, because its own promoters don't even bother to hide their true ideological identity. The absurd thing is that there are people who reject communism but then allow a communist to cajole them by talking about patriotism, tradition or Hispanidad, misrepresenting and manipulating them at their convenience.

It seems incredible to have to explain this to people who should be clear about it, but communism, whatever it disguises itself, is a totalitarian movement that has established dozens of dictatorships (including the largest communist dictatorship that still exists today, the People's Republic of China) and that has killed more than 100 million people in a century. From its origins, communism has promoted a materialist, internationalist and revolutionary discourse that abhors the past, tradition, religion, nations, property and freedom. None of this has a place in the model of society proposed by the communists. If someone tries to make you forget that with the excuse of "antiglobalism", what they are doing is trying to deceive you. And in this, in deceiving people, communism has a long experience.

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