Between July 1 and December 31, Spain will preside over the Council of the European Union, a presidency now held by Sweden.
A government that rewrites history to hide the crimes of the left
The president of the Spanish government, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, is already preparing that Spanish presidency with the hope, perhaps, that it will help him to face the general elections that he should call at the end of this year with more advantage >, in which almost all the polls point to it as a loser. One of the main concerns of his government has been to rewrite history, with a law of "historical memory" that hides the war crimes of the left during the Spanish Civil War.
In 2021 Sánchez and his allies rejected a condemnation of the crimes of Nazism and communism
When it comes to the history of Europe, Sánchez and his government have adopted a position of very bad memory. In March 2021, in a controversial vote in the Congress of Deputies, both he, like the rest of the left, rejected a condemnation of the crimes of Nazism and communism, a condemnation that he sought to endorse the resolution condemning these crimes approved by the European Parliament on September 19, 2019.
That European resolution recalled that "the Nazi and communist regimes carried out mass murders, genocide and deportations and caused a loss of life and freedom in the 20th century on a scale unseen in human history", and condemned "the acts of aggression, crimes against humanity and mass human rights violations perpetrated by the Nazi, communist and other totalitarian regimes."
Socialists tried to remove mentions of communism in the European resolution
It must be remembered that European socialists tried to eliminate mentions of communism in that resolution, as if the crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity committed by that totalitarian movement were not worthy of condemnation. We must remember that some of the parties of the socialist group in the European Parliament were formerly sole parties of communist dictatorships, turned into "social democrats" suddenly after the fall of communism.
The requests made by that resolution to the member countries of the EU
That resolution condemning the Nazi and communist crimes made four specific requests to the member countries of the EU:
The government of Pedro Sánchez has not complied with any of these requests
Well then: as of today, the Sánchez government has not complied with any of these four requests. At most, in the text of the aforementioned "democratic memory law" (you can read it here), a single mention of the Holocaust appears in the preamble, without the normative part of the law mentioning that genocide, beyond recognizing the Spanish who were prisoners of Nazi concentration camps. In contrast, a month and a half ago the Spanish left refused to honor a Spanish diplomat who saved 5,000 Jews from the Holocaust, Ángel Sanz Briz, declared "Justo among the Nations" by Israel in 1966.
The only government in the EU that has communist ministers
On the other hand, the Spanish government continues not to celebrate May 25 or August 23 in the terms indicated by the aforementioned European resolution. The figure of Witold Pilecki has not been remembered once by the government of Pedro Sánchez. Likewise, the "democratic memory" promoted by the Spanish government systematically ignores all communist crimes and their victims, directing a shameful historical amnesia against them. Let's remember that two years ago, PSOE and its far-left allies openly extolled communism in Congress, even portraying communists as "freedom fighters." After all, the government of Pedro Sánchez is the only government in the EU that has communist ministers, something that should be a source of shame and scandal in Europe.
Photo: Efe.
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