It accuses the government of wanting to “hide the big problems” of Spain

Vox, the only Spanish party that acts correctly against Sánchez's smokescreen

Esp 8·31·2023 · 7:01 0

The wave of manipulation that we suffer in Spain, about which I spoke yesterday here, can give the feeling that we have no remedy.

The cynicism of favoring a thousand rapists and then making a scandal over a kiss
The things for which no one resigned in Spain: were they less serious than a kiss?

But it's not like that. As Tolkien insisted in his work, we must never lose hope, not even in the darkest days. Yesterday, in the midst of this storm of garbage that the media and social networks are launching with the Rubiales case, a political party, the third most voted in Spain, has demonstrated the good sense that is missing from the rest of our political class and many of the media, which feed a shameless smokescreen to hide very serious problems.

“We refuse to buy the story of the left-wing”

Yesterday, Vox addressed this issue through a Twitter thread loaded with reason, in which he points out: "We denounce the political and media hunt to which Mr. Rubiales is being personally subjected. And we refuse to buy the story of the left-wing that seeks to hide the failure of the Yes is Yes Lawand whitewash those who have promoted it, causing the mass release of sexual offenders."

“This controversy has been generated by the Sánchez Government”

In response to the institutional statements condemning Mr. Rubiales promoted by the left, Vox points out: "We are clear that all this controversy has been generated by the Sánchez Government and its media outlets to hide the major problems in the that Spain is engulfed. With common sense you can distinguish what is rude or bad manners from what is a crime. And we know how to distinguish it."

Vox remembers that "has always fought againstthe hypocrisy of false feminism, a fight in which we are alone and that, once again and unfortunately, we were right", and adds: "We therefore demand the resignation en bloc of this Government for having released hundreds of sexual predators who are already beginning to reoffend, as we saw last week in Dos Hermanas."

“Vox will always support the true victims of violence”

Vox points out that "will always support the true victims of violence", and states: "We are the only party that demands the maximum penalties for their aggressors in front of those who benefit and release them while they make speeches that only serve to divide and confront us."

However, Vox avoids committing to a character who has already demonstrated that he is not up to the task of his position: "This does not mean that VOX denounces the rude behavior of Mr. Rubiales, and that we believe that it is incompatible with the presidency of a Royal Federation, a position that demands a height that evidently Mr. Rubiales has not had."

A statement worth thanking

I am happy to see that Vox's statement coincides with what I pointed out here last Sunday. We are facing a controversy fueled by the government itself to cover up the effects of its terrible policies, a controversy that is based on a lynching that is inappropriate for a democracy. But that does not mean that Rubiales is a saint who does not deserve any reproach. It is appreciated that a political party has known how to address this artificial controversy without falling into the government's traps, without giving in to the clumsy Manichaeism with which some have approached the issue and without losing sight of what is really important . Once again, many thanks to Vox for rising to the occasion and keeping our hope alive.


Photo: Vox Congreso.

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