More mobilizations are already planned for October 12 and 29 in Spain

The protests against the amnesty in Barcelona, Seville and Brussels and the next demonstrations

Esp 10·08·2023 · 17:55 0

Today the massive mobilizations began in Spain against the unconstitutional amnesty of Pedro Sánchez.

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There have been two large demonstrations in Barcelona and Seville. In addition, hundreds of people have gathered in Brussels in support of these protests. You can see the images of these mobilizations below.


The main banner of the organizing organization, Societat Civil Catalana.

The Vox banner, with the presence of Santiago Abascal and other members of this party.

The Popular Party has joined the protest, with Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Isabel Díaz Ayuso and José Luis Martínez-Almeida and other leaders.

Flags of Spain and Cataloniaat the demonstration.

Here you can see the broadcast of the demonstration carried out by RTVE:


The main banner of the organizing organization, the Jovellanos Debates Club of Seville.

Aquí un vídeo de la manifestación publicado por Manu Golo 3:


Images of the protest in Brussels, called by the Catalan Civil Society.

Next mobilizations

For this same week there are new demonstrations called for Thursday, October 12, coinciding with the day of the National Holiday of Spain. There are calls a demonstration in Barcelona, organized by Espanya i Catalans and to which many other civic associations have joined, and a concentration in Vigo, organized by the Platform Somos España Vigo and Hablamos Español. Also, on Sunday, October 29, there will be a demonstration in Madrid, called by the DENAES Foundation.

You can be aware of other calls in the Contando Estrelas agenda (click here).


Main photo: Efe. Sources of the other photos: Efe / Vox / Jorge Buxadé / Partido Popular.

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