The images include fighter jets from its Air Force and Navy

A fabulous video that shows the aircraft and the power of France's military aviation

Esp 11·11·2023 · 23:34 0

The French Republic has one of the best Armed Forces in Europe and a very outstanding defense industry.

A flight of a French Rafale fighter in Denmark demonstrating its extreme maneuverability
Cazas Rafale franceses en unas imágenes de una fabulosa calidad sobre una intercepción

Its aeronautical industry includes such leading companies as Dassault Aviation, manufacturer of the Rafale, an excellent combat aircraft that is, to a large extent, the main protagonist of a fabulous video by RudyX Films in which other aircraft of the French Air Force and Naval Aviation are also shown:

Here we can see some screenshots from the video. As a curiosity, these images of a Rafale of the French National Navy were taken on a US aircraft carrier, since France is the only European country that operates an aircraft carrier equipped with catapults and arresting cables, which allows you to have conventional combat aircraft.

In the video we also see the Dassault-Dornier Alpha Jet training aircraft, now veterans. An aircraft manufactured jointly by Germany and France. The ones we see here are from the Patrouille de France acrobatic patrol.

A Grumman E-2C Hawkeye early warning aircraft of the French Navy. France and the United States are the only countries that use this type of aircraft on their aircraft carriers.

In the video we also see the Dassault Mirage 2000 fighters, now veterans but still active. Some of these planes (the Mirage 2000N) are prepared to transport nuclear weapons.

In the video we also see some Dassault Mirage F1, an excellent fighter that is no longer active in France.

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