An interesting question regarding the Spanish Army recently arose in the comments on the website: the meaning of the colors of their berets.
In the Army there is a wide variety of colors in this type of headwear. Some colors are common to different units or weapons. Below you can see what the colors of each one are. The current headgear of the Land Army was determined by Instruction 75/86 of the Army General Staff, published in the Official Defense Bulletin No. 188, of September 30, 1986, and repealed by the Instruction 41/2018, published in the Official Gazette of the Ministry of Defense on July 18, 2018.
Sand. XVI Brigade "Canarias" XVI (BRICAN).
Medium blue. Airmobile Forces of the Army (FAMET).
Bordeaux. Infantry Regiment "Inmemorial del Rey" No. 1.
Khaki. It is used in Troop Training Centers (CEFOT) and in units that do not have a specific color of beret, such as the Field Artillery Command (MACA), the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Command (MAAA), the Engineer Command (MING), the Maneuver Support Command (MAM) and the Transmission Command (MATRANS). The MATRANS, when it was a Transmission Brigade, wore a maroon beret.
Garnet. High Availability Land Headquarters (CGTAD).
Grey. Brigade "Galicia" VII (BRILAT). It is used by all units of the Brigade, including the Cavalry Regiment "Farnesio" No. 12, which before joining the BRILAT used the black beret typical of the cavalry weapon.
Brown. Military Police Battalion I (BMP I). However, I believe that this Battalion currently uses the maroon beret of the High Availability Land Headquarters (CGTAD), to which it is attached.
Black. Armored units: Brigade "Guzmán el Bueno" X, the Brigade "Extremadura" XI and the Brigade "Guadarrama" XII (the photo is of members of the latter), and since 2018 also the "Aragón" I.
Black. Cavalry units. In this case, showing off the weapon's emblem: two crossed spears. Only two units now conserve it: the Cavalry Regiment "España" No. 11 and the Cavalry Regiment"Lusitania" No. 8.
Black. Parachute Brigade 'Almogávares' VI (BRIPAC), in this case wearing its own emblem, with the exception of the Cavalry Regiment "Lusitania" No. 8, which bears the emblem of the cavalry weapon. It should be noted that The Sea Companies of Ceuta and Melilla also use black berets, with their emblem, with their work uniforms.
Red. General Military Academy (AGM).
Light green. Logistics units. As they depend on the Logistics Brigade, the members of the Health Group (AGRUSAN) also use this color in their berets, which until 2020, as the Health Brigade (BRISAN), wore a dark blue beret.
Medium green. Mountain Troop Command Units.
Olive green. Units of the Special Operations Command (MOE), including the Legion Special Operations Flag (BOEL), the only Legion unit that does not use the famous legionary chapiri.
Berets worn by members of the Army in other corps
Yellow. Military Emergency Unit (UME). The Spanish Army personnel integrated into this Unit wear the walking uniforms of their branch of the Armed Forces, with the UME beret.
Light blue. It is used in missions in which Army soldiers are integrated into the United Nations Peace Forces, also known as "Blue Helmets."
Navy blue. "Monteros de Espinosa" Company of the Royal Guard, formed by members of the Army.
Dark blue. Eurocorps. The European soldiers integrated into this Army Corps at the service of the European Union and NATO use their own uniforms along with a common beret with the Eurocorps emblem.
Light gray. Joint Cyberspace Command (MCCE), dependent on the Defense Staff (EMAD). The beret includes the EMAD shield.
Olive green. Joint Command of Special Operations (MCOE), dependent on the Defense Staff and which integrates the Special Operations Command (MOE) of the Army, the Special Naval Warfare Force (FGNE) of the Navy and the Sapper Squadron Paratroopers (EZAPAC) of the Air Force. MCOE personnel wear a green beret of the same color as those units, but with the badge of that Joint Command.
Photos: Contando Estrelas / Ministerio de Defensa / Ejército de Tierra / Estado Mayor de la Defensa / Brigada "Canarias" XVI / Guardia Real / Unidad Militar de Emergencias.
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