Both belonged to the Brigade "Guzmán el Bueno" X, based in Córdoba

Two Spanish soldiers of the Land Army die during an exercise in Cerro Muriano

Tragic news for the Spanish Armed Forces, and even more so at this time so close to Christmas, a particularly family holiday.

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The Ministry of Defense has reported that during an exercise at the Cerro Muriano Shooting and Maneuver Range (Córdoba), "in an exercise to cross water courses, An accident occurred as a result of which a corporal and a soldier belonging to the Brigade "Guzmán el Bueno" X have drowned." The ministry note adds: "The investigation of the circumstances surrounding the accident is in the hands of the competent judicial authority."

One of the deceased is Corporal Miguel Ángel Jiménez Andújar, 34 years old, married and native of Villafranca de Córdoba (Córdoba). He joined the Spanish Army as a soldier in 2011, being assigned to the Infantry Regiment "La Reina" No. 2, where he remained after being promoted to corporal in 2019. He participated in missions in Latvia and Lebanon and had received two Crosses of Military Merit with white badge.

The other deceased is Soldier Carlos León Rico, 24 years old, single and native of Viso del Alcor (Seville). He joined the Spanish Army on May 8. He was also assigned to the Infantry Regiment "La Reina" No. 2.

The Spanish Army has indicated that "joins the pain of his family members and fellow unit members in these tragic moments."

My condolences to the families and colleagues of the deceased soldiers.

Give them eternal rest, Lord. Let perpetual light shine upon them. Rest in peace.

Honor demanded and they obeyed,
Duty required it and they complied with it;
With their blood the company was signed
With their efforts they made the country great.

They were big and strong, because they were
Faithful to the oath they swore.
That's why they fought like brave men,
And they died like heroes.

Dying for the country was his destiny,
Love Spain its eternal passion,
Serve in the Armies his vocation and fate.

They did not want to serve another Flag,
They did not want to walk another path,
They didn't know how to live any other way.

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