The pact between the PSOE and Bildu has consequences for the Popular Party

The bloodstained hands of Spanish socialism and the heads high of the Vox party people

Esp 12·29·2023 · 7:03 0

This Thursday one of the hidden agreements between the Socialist Party (PSOE) and the political heirs of the terrorist group ETA was consummated.

The 27 murders of ETA in Pamplona: Bildu does not condemn them and Sánchez gives it the city
After fining people for praying, Sánchez and his partners will legalize the glorification of terrorism

The PSOE gives Pamplona to those who do not condemn ETA's crimes

The PSOE has handed over the mayor's office of Pamplona to a party, Bildu, that does not condemn ETA's crimes, including the 27 murders committed by that terrorist group in Pamplona , including the murder of a 13-year-old boy. With this pact, the socialists have betrayed their commitments that they would not make an agreement with Bildu, one more betrayal in the already long list of betrayals that Pedro Sánchez has committed to pay for support for his re-election. At the end of the day, that is the maximum concern of the PSOE leader: clinging on to power at any price, even betraying the victims of terrorism.

The main problem with making a pact with terrorists is that you become their accomplice. After shaking hands with the pro-ETA members, the PSOE now has its hands stained with blood, the blood of the thousands of people who have been victims of this criminal gang for decades, starting with the 853 people murdered by ETA, among them 22 children and babies, and without forgetting the 2,632 people who were injured and mutilated, many of whom still suffer the terrible consequences caused by the ETA attacks.

The sanitary cordons that the PSOE tried to impose on other parties

During the last two decades, the PSOE, the extreme left parties and the separatist parties have tried to treat the rest as plagued, democratic parties whose "stigma" was being right-wing or not being separatist. In 2003, the socialists signed the Tinell Pact with that purpose, a pact that led to imposing a cordon sanitaire on the Popular Party, until this party agreed to go through the ideological hoop of the PSOE, submitting to all their dogmas.

For a few years the PSOE has been trying to impose the same exclusion on Vox, a democratic party that has among its founders several victims of the terrorist group ETA, among them José Antonio Ortega Lara, victim of the longest kidnapping perpetrated by that terrorist gang: he spent 532 days in a cell and they had already left him there to die when he was released by the Civil Guard. To this day, Vox is the only party that has been refusing to reach any pact with the PSOE, a fact for which Santiago Abascal and his colleagues can hold their heads high today.

To make an agreement with the socialists is to become an accomplice in that betrayal

The same cannot be said of the first opposition party. Even today, in the midst of a socialist coup against the rule of law, the Popular Party insists on reaching agreements with the PSOE, thus contributing to whitewashing a socialist party that has allied himself with the heirs of ETA, with the admirers of a totalitarian and criminal movement such as communism and with the authors of the 2017 separatist coup in Catalonia.

The PP must be very clear that the blood-stained hands of Spanish socialism will now punish anyone who makes an agreement with it. That cordon sanitaire that the PSOE wanted to impose on the right should today turn against it, because a pact with the PSOE makes you its accomplice, the ally of the allies of the pro-ETA activists. If the PP insists on whitewashing the PSOE by agreeing with it, it will end up with its hands so stained as the socialists and will deserve the same rejection as them.


Photo: Bildu. Pedro Sánchez shakes the hand of María Mercedes Aizpurúa, Bildu deputy, at the meeting they held on October 13, 2023 to stage Bildu's support for Sánchez's re-election.

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