The European elections held yesterday represented a test for the parties that have been supporting the Kremlin's narrative.
The pro-Russian extreme left loses 1.2 million votes
As we already saw here in 2022, in the previous legislature the Spanish parties that have voted most times in favor of Russian interests in Brussels were Izquierda Unida and Podemos. In addition to these parties, there are other options that have also supported the Kremlin's narrative to a lesser or greater extent, blaming the Russian invasion of Ukraine on NATO and rejecting the sending of military aid to Ukraine, strong>a speech that has permeated the separatist extreme left: ERC, Bildu and BNG.
The results of the European elections in Spain have left in a bad place to those parties (on this occasion, Unidas Podemos was presented divided into two brands: Podemos and Sumar). In 2019, these parties added 3,510,996 votes, and yesterday they stood at 2,239,947, 1,271,049 votes less. They have gone from obtaining 15.65% of the votes to remaining at 12, 84%. We have had the worst result, which has been the party that has most exhibited its harmony with the Kremlin's narrative in these elections. Yesterday he obtained 571,902 votes, 3.28% and only 2 seats.
El centro-derecha que apoya a Ucrania mejoró sus resultados
In 2019 the Spanish pro-Russian right did not obtain any representation in the European elections. Despite the hoaxes from the left trying to present it as a party sympathetic to Putin, Vox is the Spanish party that has voted most times against the interests of Russia, followed by Popular Party. Both parties improved their presentation yesterday: Vox has obtained 284,534 more votes than in 2019, going from 6.21% to 9.62% and rising from 4 seats to 6, and the PP has increased its result by more than a million votes, going from 13 seats to 22.
The case of 'Se acabó la fiesta'
In these elections, the only candidate with representation on the right that has received the support of well-known pro-Russian propagandists has been the readers' group "Se acabó la fiesta" (SALF, The party is over), headed by Alvise Pérez, who obtained 800,763 votes and 3 seats. It remains to be seen what position this candidacy will defend in Brussels, since it does not even have a program. Even if we add the votes of SALF to those of the extreme left more sympathetic to Russia, they give 3,040,710 votes, 470,286 less than the pro-Russian extreme left obtained in 2019.
These figures demonstrate the failure of the agitation campaign of pro-Russian propagandists in Spain, who have been making efforts to attract Spanish public opinion towards the Kremlin's theses since before the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Frankly, that failure is something worth celebrating.
Photo: Mikhail Svetlov.
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