The churches of La Asunción and San Francisco de Borja, in Santiago, were burned

Christianphobic terrorism in Chile: left-wing extremists set fire to two Catholic churches

Esp 10·19·2020 · 3:54 1

Once again, the extreme left has unleashed all its hatred against Christians in a new day of terrorist violence, this time in Santiago de Chile.

Christianophobia: left-wing extremists mock the Notre Dame fire in Paris
Feminists attacked Catholic centers in several cities in Spain on March 8 but no mosques

The bell tower of one of the churches has ended up collapsing

With its sights set on the constitutional referendum on October 25, this Sunday the far-left demonstrated in Santiago de Chile in a protest that ended with the burning of two Catholic churches: La Asunción and San Francisco de Borja. In the first, the serious fire caused by left-wing extremists ended with the collapse of the bell tower, which was celebrated with shouts by Christianphobic fanatics. It happens that this mobilization was cheered by the Communist Party of Chile. You can see here images of the arson attacks on both temples:

I hope that the Chilean authorities take this problem seriously and act decisively against the violent. It is intolerable that this happens in a civilized country. Likewise, it is worth asking what the same left has to say to this, which is always crying out against "Islamophobia", but has no qualms about fueling Christianophobia to extremes like these.

Thus began two of the worst religious persecutions of the 20th century

It should be remembered that thus, with the burning of temples, the anti-Catholic persecution in Spain began in 1931 -which led to a brutal massacre in the Civil War- and also the bloody persecution against the Jews in Germany with the burning of synagogues in 1938 of the infamous "Night of Broken Glass", which preceded the Holocaust. They were two of the worst religious persecutions of the 20th century. In fact, the far-left has been directing against Christians a fanatical hatred comparable to that directed by the Nazis against the Jewish people. The world cannot tolerate that once again the totalitarian fanatics get to repeat history.

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  1. Alida

    During the military government leftist were harshly persecuted. Catholic Church was the only institution that protected and even gave jobs to many leftist. Many priest were murdered. Our church helped poor people with food. Three temples burnt in a year are their payback.

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