Some striking images in a city that is in a war situation

A walk that shows why Zelenski is winning the communication battle against Putin

Apart from the fighting on the military level, one of the battles of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is being fought in the field of communication.

The lesson of courage of the Polish, Czech and Slovenian PM with their travel to Kiev
A Russian state agency calls for a dictatorship in Ukraine and a massacre like the one in Katyn

This is a battle that Russia is losing by a landslide. First of all, by a systematic resort to lies that are too crude and can only find a high level of acceptance among the Russian public, which has been massively blocked from accessing foreign social networks and free media. And secondly, because the Ukrainian president is having a hitherto unprecedented role in the media in a war.

Volodymyr Zelenski has not only spoken several times before foreign parliaments, but has managed to use the various social media channels to get his messages across to the rest of the world. But in addition, the Ukrainian president is showing a closeness that Putin does not show even remotely. An example of this is the walk that took place yesterday in Kiev with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his surprise visit to Ukraine. Watch the video:

In the images we see Johnson and Zelenski relaxed - despite the fact of having an armed escort and being in a war situation - and stopping to talk to people on the street. In addition, Zelenski is dressed as if he were going to buy some soft drinks at the corner store. Someone may claim that this can be prepared, but whether or not it is, it achieves the desired effect: showing a closer image. It is unthinkable to see such a video of Putin, a man who even avoids contact with his subordinates through very long tables.

The importance of this communication battle cannot be underestimated. Ukraine has won a lot of support thanks to Zelenski's attitude, while Putin has been gaining an image of an isolated and distant tyrant. The president of Ukraine has reached such a point of popularity that right now there must be fights between foreign leaders to see who is the next one who travels to Kiev to be photographed with him. And that way of attracting support is also a way of getting military aid to win the war.

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