That reason is contained in the preamble to the text of the North Atlantic Treaty

The communists and NATO: what they hate is the reason for being of the Atlantic Alliance

This Monday marked the 40th anniversary of Spain's accession to NATO, an accession that took place on May 30, 1982, with the rejection of the left.

The Spanish intelligence service, beheaded to satisfy Putin's puppets in Spain
Russia's support for separatism in Spain and the support of Spanish separatists for Russia

The communist faction of the Spanish government and its rejection of NATO

Precisely, these days the communist faction of the Spanish government is taking advantage of the next NATO summit, to be held in Madrid from June 28 to 30, to show its rejection of the Atlantic Alliance. A rejection that is not new. Let us remember that in September 2013, the current Minister of Consumption, the communist Alberto Garzón, accused NATO of being a "legal terrorist organization", a slanderous message that accompanied a photo of the frigate "Blas de Lezo" of the Spanish Navy.

That a politician is capable of publishing a message as miserable as this should be reason enough for him not to become a minister in a NATO member country, but Pedro Sánchez decided to agree with these totalitarians to fulfill his dream of governing at any cost.

The reason for being of the NATO: "safeguard the freedom"

It should be remembered that NATO was born in 1949, just as the Cold War began (the previous year, the USSR had imposed a blockade on the western part of Berlin). A few years later, in 1955, the Soviet Union created the farce of the Warsaw Pact to disguise its absolute control over the satellite dictatorships of Eastern Europe, dictatorships imposed at the end of World War II by the same Stalin who started that war through their alliance with Hitler in 1939, jointly invading Poland.

While the raison d'être of that false Warsaw pact was to shield the communist tyrannies imposed by Moscow (remember that the USSR sent its tanks to put down the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the Prague Spring of 1969), NATO had and continues to have as an end "to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law", as stated in the preamble to the North Atlantic Treaty. Put another way: NATO is an alliance of free peoples, whose members joined it by choice to defend themselves against a common threat: the one that had its epicenter in Moscow.

Putin's Russia is the heir to the Soviet threat

After the fall of communism it seemed that NATO had lost its reason for being, but it was not. The nuclear force created by the USSR, and the threat it poses, was inherited by the Russian Federation. The rise to power of Vladimir Putin confirmed that threat, with the invasion of Georgia in 2008, the annexation of Crimea in 2014, and the current invasion of Ukraine. Putin's imperialist policy has only confirmed that NATO is still necessary, and in fact traditionally neutral countries such as Finland and Sweden have asked to join the Alliance, given the threat that Russia poses to them as well.

Today, support for NATO in the member countries is largely the majority, and significantly it is especially high in Lithuania and Poland, countries that especially perceive the Russian threat as they have a border with the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, in which Russia has deployed missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads since 2018.

The ideological link between the Spanish communists and the Kremlin

That the communists reject NATO is not something new. Putin's Russia is the heir to the USSR, from which it even retains much of its Marxist paraphernalia, and this creates ideological links between the communists of the European Union and Moscow. Let us remember that in 2014 a media close to the Putin government described as a "pro-Russian party" to Podemos, the communist party that currently governs in Spain together with the socialists of the PSOE, due to its alignment with Russian foreign policy. Coincidentally, last year Podemos and the PSOE voted against a European condemnation of the repression in Cuba, aligning themselves with that communist dictatorship. A few months earlier, both parties had voted against a condemnation of the crimes of communism.

The communists' rejection of the Atlantic Alliance has a clear reason: they hate democracy and freedom, the defense of which is NATO's raison d'être. In addition, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Spanish communists and those of other European countries have shown that they want a weak Europe subjected to Putin's blackmail. Let's not forget that the Kremlin has been supporting the far left in Western Europe for years, and now the communists are returning favors to their master in Moscow.

What someone should reproach Pedro Sánchez at the NATO summit

The question that we Spaniards should ask ourselves is this: how can we allow that totalitarian mob to be in the government of our country? Something like that should be cause for constant protests. Let us remember that Podemos was not even the second most voted party: it was the fourth. Their socialist allies have opened the doors of power to the enemies of freedom, who are also the enemies of NATO. Someone should clearly reproach Pedro Sánchez for this at the NATO summit to be held in Madrid.


Photo: OTAN.

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