The left and almost all the Polish partners of the People's Party voted in favor

Abortion: Poland rejects a bill that called for unprotecting all human life in its beginnings

Esp 6·24·2022 · 7:01 0

In a Europe that largely fails to protect the lives of unborn children, Poland has once again set another example of defending the weakest.

Goodbye to eugenics in Poland: the protection for disabled unborn children enters into force
Shameful pamphlet of the People’s Party and the left to impose abortion in Poland

An initiative that asked to unprotect prenatal life to end it

This Thursday, the Sejm (the lower house of the Polish Parliament) voted on a citizen legislative initiative presented by a pro-anorto coalition called Legalna Aborcja Bez Kompromisów (Legal Abortion Without Commitment), which had been supported by more than 200,000 signatures. This initiative called for unprotecting the lives of unborn children in their first 12 weeks of life. The website of that initiative did not beat around the bush when claiming that lack of protection, stating the following: "The Constitution does NOT establish an absolute right to the protection of life, including the life of the fetus."

Likewise, the pro-abortion platform recognized the humanity of unborn children and denied their right to life: "The Polish and international doctrine of constitutional law indicates a different level of protection between a human being in the postnatal phase and a human being in the prenatal phase." This time, pro-abortion activists have not hidden: they have openly acknowledged that they wanted to unprotect human beings in order to end their lives.

The legal arguments that contradict this platform

The arguments of the pro-abortion platform were clearly false as far as Polish constitutional jurisprudence was concerned. Article 38 of the Polish Constitution states: "The Republic of Poland shall ensure the legal protection of the life of every human being." In January 2021, the Polish Constitutional Court pointed out the scope of this right: "the value of the constitutionally protected legal interest, which is human life, including life that develops in the prenatal stage, cannot be differentiated. There are no sufficiently precise and justified criteria to make such a differentiation based on the stage of development of human life. Since its inception, human life has become a constitutionally protected value. This also applies to the prenatal phase."

Thus, completely unprotecting human life at its inception is openly contrary to the Polish Constitution. In the aforementioned judgment, the Constitutional Court of Poland added: "the innate and inalienable dignity, and consequently the legal protection of life, cannot be arbitrarily limited to a fully formed person, or from a specific moment of the child's development in the prenatal stage. This protection applies to every living human being, and the period of life and degree of development of him do not matter in this regard."

The initiative was rejected by 265 votes against, 175 in favor and 4 abstentions

In the vote held yesterday in the Sejm, and according to the Polish media, 265 deputies voted against, 175 voted in favor and 4 abstained. Among those who voted against were almost all the deputies (225) of the parliamentary group of the conservative party Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS, Law and Justice, Polish partner of Vox) that governs Poland, in addition to some opposition deputies. Among those who voted against was a deputy from the Platforma Obywatelska (PO, Civic Platform, Polish partners of the European People's Party), Joanna Fabisiak.

On the contrary, almost all (120) the deputies of the PO parliamentary group voted in favor together with the deputies of the left, something that is no longer surprising, considering that in 2020 the PO supported the riot of pro-abortion groups against the Catholic Church in Poland. The Polish partners of the EPP are increasingly difficult to distinguish from the left. It should be noted that a PiS deputy, Monika Pawłowska, also voted in favor, claiming that she is in favor of referring the project to a commission.

Poland is one of the European countries that most protects prenatal life

In October 2020, the Constitutional Court of Poland already made eugenic abortion illegal, thus reversing an aberration introduced into the country by the Nazi occupiers in World War II. Today Poland is, after Malta, the European Union country that most protects unborn children, something that has led to persecution by the European institutions (controlled by a coalition made up of populars and socialists), as well as maneuvers by the left and the People's Party to impose abortion in Poland. Ironically, those who criticize Poland for protecting human life claim to appeal to the "rule of law". What rule of law is the one that unprotects the weakest members of the human species in order to kill them? My applause for the Polish deputies who have rejected this outrage.


Photo: Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.

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