Ukrainian operators go deep into the occupied zone

An ambush of the Ukrainian Special Forces to the Russians behind enemy lines

The Russian military is not only facing the offensives of the Ukrainian Army in the front, but also its attacks in the rear.

The figures of the great Russian disaster in the face of the Ukrainian counteroffensive
The surreal escape of a Russian Army tank in the midst of the Ukrainian counteroffensive

Yesterday, the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces released a video showing an ambush on a Russian vehicle during a reconnaissance mission "they noticed the movement of the enemy car during the reconnaissance. The The car was marked with the letter "O" - the tactical sign of one of the groups of Russian troops in Ukraine. An ambush of the enemy was quickly and successfully organized: the car was hit when the occupants were fleeing at great speed. speed towards yours. Two Russians died in the car.In the car next to the bodies, our soldiers found weapons, radio systems, various armbands and emblems of the Russian armed forces", the description of the video says.

The Russian military belonged to the 459th Battalion, a pontoon unit. According to WarLeaks, this ambush would have been carried out after the enemy lines, in the middle of the Ukraine zone occupied by the Russians. "There have been many rumors circulating among Russian soldiers that highly NATO-trained Ukrainian special forces operate deep within their controlled territory and this video appears to confirm it," WarLeaks notes. The Russian invaders have one more reason not to sleep peacefully on Ukrainian soil.

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