A Ukrainian citizen has been slightly injured by the explosion

Terrorist attack against the Embassy of Ukraine in Madrid using a letter bomb

Esp 11·30·2022 · 16:19 0

This noon, the diplomatic delegation of the Republic of Ukraine in the capital of Spain has been the victim of a terrorist attack using explosives.

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As announced by the agency Europa Press, as a result of the attack a citizen of Ukrainian nationality has been slightly injured. The attack was carried out by means of a letter bomb that exploded at 1:17 p.m. CET in said Embassy, located on Ronda Abubilla street. The Embassy of Ukraine has been the one that has notified the Spanish Police after the explosion.

The detonation of the letter occurred when a Ukrainian employee of the Embassy was handling the envelope containing the explosive, which was not detected by the private surveillance service of that diplomatic delegation. The letter bomb arrived by ordinary mail and was not scanned, as reported by the Government Delegate in Madrid, Mercedes González.

The deflagration occurred when the employee was handling a letter and, later, he went on his own foot to the Nuestra Señora de América hospital. Explosive disposal agents (TEDAX) have gone to the place, in addition to members of the Provincial Information Brigade and canine guides of the National Police. Europa Press has informed that the National Court has assumed the investigation of the case. This is the court that deals with crimes of terrorism in Spain.

After learning of the explosion, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dimitro Kuleba, has ordered to strengthen security in all Ukrainian embassies. This is the first terrorist attack against a Ukrainian embassy that has occurred since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, a fact that joins the terrorist practices that Russia is carrying out in its aggression against Ukraine.

From Spain, all my support for Ukraine in the face of this terrorist attack. I hope that its perpetrators are arrested as soon as possible.


Photo: Efe.

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