Antisemitic attack precisely on the day the Holocaust was commemorated

The new nazis: a crowd celebrates the murder of Jews shouting 'Allah is great'

This Friday, coinciding with the International Day of Commemoration of the Victims of the Holocaust, the Jewish community has suffered a new terrorist attack.

The anti-Semitic stink of the Spanish left: a review of its lies and its double standards
'On the Jewish Question': the Karl Marx's antisemitic essay that any nazi could sign

An Islamist murders seven Jews as they left a synagogue

In Neve Yaakov, a neighborhood of East Jerusalem, a terrorist has shot at Jews leaving the Ateret Avraham synagogue, killing seven people. After committing the attack, the terrorist tried to flee in a car shooting at Israeli Police officers, who managed to kill the murderer. The terrorist was called Alkam Khairi. Here you can see his photo next to the Dome of the Rock, in the Esplanade of the Mosques of Jerusalem.

Muslims celebrate anti-Semitic terror attack with shouts of 'Allah is great'

The Islamist and terrorist movement Hamas celebrated the attack through the loudspeakers of the Gaza mosques. Likewise, the terrorists of the Islamic Jihad have described these assassinations as a "heroic operation".

Ofir Gendelman, a former spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister's office, has released this video showing Muslims celebrating this anti-Semitic terrorist attack with shouts of "Allah is great". Gendelman comments that it is "a despicable behaviour that we're seeing after each Palestinian massacre against our people".

It has not been isolated. Crowds of Palestinians have celebrated these crimes with fireworks and honking their car horns as if it were a football team victory:

The same Islamist fanaticism that inspired the anti-Christian attack in Algeciras

What we see is the same Islamist fanaticism that inspired the murder of a Catholic sacristan this week in Algeciras, Spain, with the difference that this type of terrorist act has become a daily occurrence in the State of Israel, something that the Western media rarely talk about, especially many left-wing media that do not hide their sympathy for those same Palestinian Islamists, whose fanaticism is the origin of the violence that is He has lived in that part of the world for decades.

Palestinian islamism instigated the nazis to exterminate the Jews

Let us remember that as soon as the State of Israel was declared, the Muslim Arabs launched into a war against the new Jewish country to try to exterminate it, that is, to complete what the Nazis had started a few years earlier with the Holocaust. Recall that in 1944 the Muslim Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husayni, supported the Nazis and urged them to exterminate the Jews with these words: "Kill the Jews wherever you find them". After World War II, that Islamist leader continued to incite violence against Jews until his death in 1974.

Islamists are the new Nazis, and as happened with Nazis and communists in 1939, they have allied with the extreme left to attack the State of Israel, unleashing a new wave of anti-Semitism that is what inspires attacks terrorists like yesterday. The West has to wake up and realize that these new Nazis who are trying to destroy Israel are also trying to dominate us to submit to the dictates of Islam. Enough of trying to convince ourselves that the problem of the West is called "Islamophobia". The problem facing the West, like Israel, is Islamic extremism.

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