Statistics are much more stubborn than feminist dogmas and discourses

'Gender gap', male 'oppression' and reality: eleven facts that feminism ignores

Esp 3·08·2023 · 16:54 0

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8, a day that feminist groups take advantage of to affirm that women are oppressed in the West.

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I have said many times that the original feminism was a necessary and laudable movement to achieve equality before the law and equal opportunities for women. That feminism, which we could call equality, was clearly contrary to abortion, as they considered it a way of treating unborn children that repeated the discriminatory scheme that treated women as property. The majority today is gender feminism, which emerged from the extreme left in recent decades, when women had already achieved that equality before the law and that equal opportunity for which they the pioneers of feminism fought.

The objective of gender feminism is to convince women that they are oppressed by men. This leftist or anti-male feminism does not seek equality: it tries to transfer the Marxist scheme of class struggle to the sexes, qualifying women as an oppressed class and men as an oppressor class. The idea that women are oppressed by men tries to capture concepts such as the "gender gap", which states that women are paid less than men to do the same jobs. A hoax that is sustained with statistical traps that consist of making averages between people with different jobs and different schedules. It is a statistical trap that could be carried out, with identical results, with any other social group if the aim is to generate victimhood, which is the raison d'être of gender feminism.

Likewise, this feminism also considers it a sign of oppression that there are fewer women in managerial positions or in certain jobs, facts that in Western countries are the result of free decisions made by women themselves, who mostly show different priorities from those of men. And it is that gender feminism, in reality, does not accept women as they are: they want them to be like men in all aspects. It does not seek equality, but uniformity.

If it is true that women are oppressed by men, as left-wing feminism affirms, how to explain this data?:

  1. Men suffered 71.15% of accidents at work in Spain in 2021, according to official data from the Ministry of Labor (view PDF). These accidents affected 372,688 men and 151,112 women. This difference is explained by the fact that men tend to be in the majority in the most risky professions.
  2. Men suffered 94.81% of fatal accidents at work in Spain in 2021, according to the same official source cited in the previous point. In these accidents, 604 men and 33 women died.
  3. 87.1% of the personnel in the Spanish Armed Forces are men , according to data from the Ministry of Defense (view PDF). Two decades after the disappearance of compulsory military service in Spain (which was only compulsory for men), and despite having achieved equality, there is still a minority interest among women in the military profession, which implies many sacrifices and a remarkable physical effort.
  4. 83.22% of the agents of the Spanish National Police and 91.84% of the members of the Civil Guard are men, according to official data collected in the Statistical Bulletin of personnel at the service of the Administrations Public of July 2022 (view PDF). These are the agents who protect the Spanish, including women, often risking their lives in the line of duty.
  5. On the contrary, women make up 66.64% of the personnel of the Administration of Justice in Spain, according to the same source as in the previous point: 16,024 out of a total of 24,044 employees, including judges.
  6. In the regional administrations, 68.55% of civil servants are women, according to the same source as the two previous points. As in the case of the Administration of Justice, it is mainly office work and teaching work.
  7. 50.73% of the municipal staff are women: there are 269,857 of a total of 531,850 municipal employees.
  8. 83.06% of qualified workers in agricultural activities in Spain are men, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE) corresponding to 2022. Once again we find a clear difference in a profession that requires great physical effort.
  9. 71.52% of skilled livestock workers in Spain are men, also according to INE data. The cause is the same as in the previous point.
  10. 98.24% of qualified construction workers in Spain are men, also according to INE data. It is one of the physically toughest professions.
  11. 99.22% of mechanics and machine fitters in Spain are men, also according to INE data. It is another of the physically toughest professions.

As we can see, there are clear trends between men and women when it comes to choosing certain professions. That does not mean that there is less equality. And it is that equality before the law and equal opportunities do not entail nor do they have to imply parity in results. Imposing that parity in the results, as the left claims, is contrary to equality and also to the freedom of men and women to decide the professions they want to dedicate themselves to and the degree of commitment they want to assume in those professions.


Photo: Francisco Seco

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