The main change is a new typeface derived from the previous one

A change in the imagotypes of Counting Stars for the first time in eight years

Esp 6·23·2023 · 18:58 0

I am a graphic designer and one of my favorite aspects of my job is brand design. It is creative and exciting work.

Counting Stars and credibility
One year and 585 posts in four languages talking about the Russian invasion of Ukraine

It's been more than 20 years since I designed the star icon that I use in the image of this blog, an image that has undergone changes over the years. The last change in the corporate brands of this blog occurred in 2015, when I launched the largest redesign this website has had. Since then he had not touched it: he continued with the same Bebas font as eight years ago.

I had been wanting to apply some small changes for some time, since in terms of brands they are in favor of continuity if the design works well, and to tell the truth I was happy with the logotypes of this blog and its different sections. Happy, but not quite, especially with the typography, especially regarding the letter spacing, which was somewhat uneven. On the other hand, today's screens, with much better resolution than those of 2015, invite us to make designs with more subdued nuances. That's why I wanted to introduce some small image changes.

The main change is that I say goodbye to the Bebas font and I switch to the Bebas Neue Pro font in its Expanded ExtraBold variant, derived from the Bebas but with many more capabilities (it has lower case, various thicknesses and accent symbols). I like its design better and it has better spacing. In some images I have also made small color changes. You can see them below.

Contando Estrelas

This is how the image of Contando Estrelas, the main section of the website, in Spanish, was until now:

Below you can see the new imagotype. The square of the icon is somewhat darker (I preferred the stars to stand out instead of their container). The new font is somewhat thicker and more consistent.

Counting Stars

This was the imagotype of Counting Stars, the English section of the website:

This is how the new Counting Stars imagotype looks. This is one of the sections where the changes are less noticeable.

Liczenie Gwiazd

As for the Polish section of the website, this was its imagotype:

This is the new imagotype of Liczenie Gwiazd. In this section, the changes are also very subtle.

Defensa y Aviación

I've thought about this section a lot. I even thought about trying different camouflages (the current one is a derivative of the US Marine Corps MARPAT pattern), but finally I decided to keep it, changing just the typography. This was the imagotype of 2015:

This is the new Defense and Aviation imagotype.

This is the section that changes the most. I've been using the shades of green in the background of the website header for many years, but I wanted to try a darker green, which would give it a more serious air and be more less burdensome. This was the imagotype of 2015:

And here you can see the new imagotype. The background color of the icon also becomes somewhat darker, until it reaches a medium green, not as "phosphorescent" as the previous one. My idea is that this color works best when used on social media.

The new logos are already on the website and in the free newsletters, which you have subscribed to you will have received them already changed this morning. Now I have many more places to put them: social networks, videos, etc.

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