A debate that reveals the moral abyss that exists between the parties of both

The words of Santiago Abascal about 'the weakest' and Feijóo's coldness

Esp 6·26·2023 · 7:06 0

The great differences between the conservative right and lukewarm centrism can be seen in the great debates of our time.

2.6 million aborted children in Spain: the politicians responsible for this monstrosity
Abortion and the left: a perverse extremism that labels those who reject it as 'extremists'

The most important of those debates is abortion. The figures are terrible: more than 90,000 unborn children murdered in 2021 in Spain, 2.6 million since 1985, according to official statistics. A massacre of innocents that some describe as "progress". And in the face of this massacre, in Spain there is only one party with parliamentary representation - the third most voted - that continues to bet on the defense of life.

Yesterday, the newspaper El Debate interviewed Santiago Abascal. On the issue of abortion, the president of Vox said: "What can we do if we form a joint government? At a minimum, provide information, assistance, alternatives and repeal the laws that Sánchez has brought to Spain. Abortion is one of the worst dramas any society can face, and we are obliged to do everything possible to protect the weakest."

Given this, the interviewer pointed out: "You know that there they are going to have a point of friction with the PP." And Abascal replied: "Yes, and I think it is very good let the Spaniards know. And I think it is even better that the readers of El Debate know about it and know that in those points of friction the positions will go one way or the other depending on the strength that Vox has."

This is precisely the most important issue that encourages me to continue voting for Vox. As of today, the party led by Abascal is the last hope that we pro-lifers have for the culture of life to begin to win the battle against the culture of death, using the wise expressions coined by Pope Saint John Paul II.

I feel fully identified with Abascal's words about "the weakest", and of course his statements contrast greatly with the coldness of Feijóo and the Popular Party on this issue, a coldness typical of centrism without values, ideologically emptied by his submission to the dogmas of the left and who is content to focus on the economy while assuming the discourse of socialists and communists on bioethical issues.

Let us remember that in February Feijóo described as "a correct law" the abortion law that he calls the "right" to kill unborn children. A few days later, and in a clear mockery of those who still believe that the PP defends life, Feijóo boasted that his party had not repealed that law to despite the fact that it had an absolute majority (between 2011 and 2015) that gives it the power to do so. The debate on the defense of life reveals the greatest moral abyss between Vox and the PP, between a party to which that cares about "the weakest" and another party that faces this terrible slaughter from the coldest indifference. And since inexplicably COPE and 13TV -two media outlets owned by the Church- do not want to tell about it, I say it here so that it is on record.


Photos: Vox / Partido Popular.

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