It was the excuse used in 2012 for not repealing the socialist ideological laws

The Popular Party copies the slogan that Rajoy used to betray his promises of change

One of the most repeated and most empty slogans in Spanish politics is the one that promises that it will govern "for all".

An analysis of the PP and Vox programs on life, family and freedom of education
Feijóo's program only includes repealing one of the ideological laws of the left

The PP recovers Rajoy's motto in 2012 to justify the betrayal of its voters

The party that uses this motto the most is the Popular Party. Today he has done it again, with a poster that includes the corporate colors of the PP, Vox, Ciudadanos, PSOE and Podemos and the slogan "If you want a president who governs for all, vote for Feijóo". They've even put it up on a big tarp on a building.

With this motto, already used by Rajoy in a speech delivered on February 18, 2012 (in advance of the betrayal of its promises of change), the PP intends to offer itself as a counterpoint to the left, which whenever it governs does so by applying a program clearly leftist, with a great ideological charge. The image that the PP intends to convey is that it will not do the same, that is, it will not apply a right-wing program, thus presenting itself as a party open to representing all Spaniards.

Govern for the left with the votes of the right

The problem is that with that excuse, what the PP has been doing is leaving intact the ideological laws of the left. He did it during Rajoy's term and he has also done it in Andalusia. After all, the PP is a party that has abandoned its principles to adhere to socialist dogmas on issues such as abortion, gender ideology, environmentalism, feminism, etc. In the end, that government "for all" ends up meaning doing the same as the left, but with other acronyms.

What's more: the fact that the PP never repeals the ideological laws of the left, with the excuse of governing "for everyone", implies that the government's action ends up always leaning to the left, but never turns to the right again. With this, the PP assumes a very dangerous and aberrational idea in a democracy: the leftist idea that the right has no legitimacy to apply its policies and the left does. That is not governing "for everyone": it is governing for the left with the votes of the right, votes that are obtained with the false promise of a change that never comes in the end. Because the policies do not change, only the initials of the party that governs.

An excuse for not repairing the damage done by socialist policies

Obviously, the action of a government always covers all citizens, because the measures it approves affect us all. The difference between one government and another lies in the recipes it applies, and these recipes depend on the ideology of each ruling party. Socialist governments have been trampling on judicial independence, the right to life of unborn children, freedom of education and other fundamental rights in Spain. A right-wing policy would imply repairing the damage done by the Socialists, but the PP does not want to do it because prefers to govern with the permission of the left instead of agreeing with the conservatives of Vox, the only ones who clearly say they want to repeal the leftist ideological laws.

As of today, the only possibility of real change in Spain is to vote for Vox, because it is the only party that stands out from the perverse consensus that the PP and the left have established around many of the issues of public debate. Being on the right and voting for the PP is throwing away the vote, because in the end it only serves for the PP to keep intact the ideological project of the left. One wonders how many more times the PP will have to deceive its voters for them to open their eyes and realize the deception.

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