Abascal celebrates this change and announces "a new stage of collaboration"

Feijóo's change of discourse: expressly appreciates Vox's support for his investiture

Esp 8·22·2023 · 19:18 0

This Tuesday, King Felipe VI has continued with the round of contacts with the political leaders in order to propose a candidate to preside over the government.

The PP excludes Vox from the Congress Table: the fable of the scorpion and the frog again
Two examples of the oratory of Pepa Millán, the new spokesperson of Vox in the Congress

The conditions that Abascal put for Vox's support for Feijóo

This noon, after his meeting with the King, the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, appeared at a press conference in which he announced Vox's support for the investiture of Feijóo, with four conditions :

  • Do not collaborate in the undemocratic cordon against Vox.
  • Publicly highlight the agreements between the PP and Vox in regions and town halls.
  • Recover the neutrality of the institutions.
  • Commitment to end the stigmatization of Vox voters.

You can see here the video of Abascal's press conference (the video is in Spanish, you can activate the automatic subtitles in English in the bottom bar of the player):

Feijóo's change of speech in relation to Vox

This afternoon, after his meeting with the King, the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, did something he had not done up to now: expressly thank Vox for its support, assess the aspects in which both formations coincide -the defense of the unity of Spain and constitutional legality- and value the pacts between both parties in several autonomous communities. During the question time from journalists, Feijóo has indicated that he has spoken with Abascal to clarify "misunderstandings". You can see here the complete video of his press conference:

This appearance represents a clear change in Feijóo's discourse with respect to Vox, perhaps explainable by the conditions set by Abascal this afternoon to confirm Vox's support for Feijóo. Until now, the president of the PP had maintained a line of hostility towards Vox, which was reflected in an electoral campaign in which the PP contributed to fuel, with this attitude, the campaign of demonization of the left against Vox.

Today, Feijóo has especially valued the support of Vox, as it is the party that contributes the most seats (a total of 33) to his investiture, behind the PP. Up to now I have been very critical of Feijóo and the PP, but I recognize that this change in discourse was necessary and is commendable, especially at the current time in Spain. It is a pity that the PP did not adopt that same position before the elections, because surely the result would have been very different. Hopefully this new climate of understanding will serve to open a stage of hope for Spain in the face of those who want to demolish its unity as a Nation, the coexistence between Spaniards and our constitutional order.

Abascal celebra el cambio de discurso de Feijóo

A few minutes ago, the president of Vox posted a message on Twitter commenting like this Feijóo's appearance: "I am pleased that Mr. Feijóo has responded to VOX's just requests. I hope that, from now on, the enemies of the government agreements between PP and VOX will refrain to jeopardize the construction of the alternative once again. A new stage of collaboration is therefore opened between two very different formations, very distant, but capable of respecting each other and reaching an agreement when necessary."


Photo: Casa Real.

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