A reflexion on the attitude of some Spaniards towards this war crime

Foolish words and sad silences about the murder of a Spanish woman in Ukraine

We are reaching a moment in which one really wants to avoid looking at social networks so as not to read certain things.

The evil message of Podemos on the murder of a Spanish woman by the Russians in Ukraine
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is leaving a very long trail of dirty cottons

As I told you yesterday, last Sunday Spanish aid worker Emma Igual was murdered by the Russians in Ukraine, in an attack with an anti-tank guided missile against her vehicle. This is a war crime, one of many that the invaders have been committing against the Ukrainian civilian population since February 24, 2022, when this invasion began. And this time the victim is a Spanish woman, something that should especially affect our compatriots.

It so happens that Emma was the granddaughter of a Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust. Her parents, her twin brothers and her aunt were murdered by the Nazis in an extermination camp, and the girl was left alone, being adopted by a Spanish couple. Emma, inspired by her grandmother, acted like a true angel in Ukraine, saving thousands of civilians, including hundreds of children, and bringing water, food, hygiene products and wood stoves to multitudes of people. Thanks to her work, many Ukrainian civilians have been able to survive this brutal war unleashed by Vladimir Putin.

I don't care about that woman's ideology, beliefs or political opinions, but rather her facts. She acted like a good person and died trying to help others. It is a clear example of heroism, and all Spaniards who have a minimum of decency should feel proud of it. Dying trying to save the lives of others is something that deserves to be recognized by the entire society. But a part of our society has a rotten conscience.

During the last few hours I have read vomiting messages about Emma on social media. The softer ones limited themselves to wondering what a Spanish woman was doing in Ukraine, as if she were to blame for being murdered and not her murderers. It is the same nauseating attitude of those who blamed the Civil Guard for having children living in barracks when the terrorist of ETA attacked them, murdering children as they did in Zaragoza in 1989 and in Vic in 1991.

But if the foolish words of some make me sick, there is another attitude that makes me sad: that of those who remain silent, for whatever reasons, in the face of the murder of a Spanish woman by the Russians in Ukraine. It makes me especially sad to see this attitude among people with noble ideals, with whom I agree in many aspects but who, in the face of these facts, prefer to adopt a low or no profile, perhaps for fear of annoyance. to the Putinists, that is, to those who are writing miserable messages about the murder of that Spanish woman, to those who support her murderers and to those who support the murderers of more than 500 Ukrainian children since that started this invasion.

On April 16, 1963, in his famous letter from Birgingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote: "We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people." Some words that, sadly, continue to have great validity today.


Photo: Agencia AJN.

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  1. interprete143

    Por los siglos de los siglos seguimos inmersos en la misma trama social que Jesucristo denuncia y que alimenta la parábola de los dos hijos en el evangelio de San Mateo.
    El hijo díscolo que pese a sus reticencias hace finalmente lo que su padre pedía frente a su hermano mayor que admite un compromiso que acaba traicionando.
    Desvelar quién es el que hace lo que el padre quiere parece cosa justa y sencilla de entender, pero no de admitir.
    Porque admitir que aquellos que despreciamos son capaces de lo mejor supone desnudar nuestra miseria, esa que nos aleja de lo apremiante mientras insulta a los capaces que saltan al abismo de los problemas.
    Gran parte de la vileza humana y de los conflictos que produce giran alrededor de esta parábola.

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