The alignment of members of the government with Hamas' strategy, denounced by the Israeli Embassy, already has consequences.
The escalation of attacks against Israel from the Spanish government
In recent days we have seen in Spain things as scandalous as the support of Pedro Sánchez's ministers for an antisemitic march, in which were chanted slogans justifying the attack Hamas terrorist against Israel. Just yesterday, Minister Belarra asked to break diplomatic relations with Israel, accepting the Hamas hoax blaming the Jewish State for the fall of an Islamic Jihad rocket on a hospital in Gaza. All of this just a few days after Israel suffered the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.
Israel warned that the government was endangering the Jews of Spain
On Monday, the Israeli Embassy condemned the statements by members of the government and warned of their possible effects: "These statements are not only absolutely immoral, but they also endanger the security of the Jewish communities of Spain, exposing them to the risk of a greater number of antisemitic incidents and attacks." In a statement, the Sánchez government accused the Israeli Embassy of spreading "falsehoods" and "unfounded insinuations", but in the end the facts have ended up proving the Israeli diplomatic delegation right.
The Jewish community denounces antisemitic attacks in Melilla
This noon, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE) has released a statement denouncing "the incidents that occurred yesterday, Wednesday, 18 October occurred in front of the Melilla synagogue when pro-Palestinian protesters tried to reach the door of the synagogue shouting “murderers”. In addition, during the course of the rally several people broke into businesses run by Jews who were intimidated and insulted." The FCJE points out that "the incidents did not escalate thanks to the rapid and effective intervention of the Police."
🔴 Un grupo de manifestantes se concentra ante la sinagoga del centro de Melilla
— Cadena SER Melilla (@cadenasermel) October 18, 2023
“They came to bang on the doors of our homes”
This afternoon, the Israelite Community of Melilla has released a statement in which it condemns "the very serious events that occurred yesterday afternoon, October 18, 2023, against Spaniards from Melilla, for the simple fact of being Jews." The note denounces: "The Jews of Melilla were verbally attacked, with serious insults, they even banged on the doors of our homes, harassed businesses, with the panic situations that provoke these actions. The concentration in front of the Synagogue is a clear and evident attack against the Jews of Melilla in particular and against Melilla in general."
The Israelite Community of Melilla points out that "this attack and way of proceeding cannot be gratuitous, these behaviors are perfectly typified in our Penal Code and therefore, they should not be challenged. We live in a free country where all citizens have our rights, rights that end when they want to assert themselves, violating those of others." The statement adds:
"We ask all political, community and religious leaders and all citizens in general, to take a step forward, to condemn such acts and prevent their repetition, so that "Let sanity continue to reign in our city, an example of coexistence and respect between religious denominations and their respective traditions."
Antisemitic attacks in other parts of Spain
On the other hand, the FCJE note adds that yesterday's attacks in Melilla were not the only antisemitic episodes that have occurred these days. He cites the graffiti in the Jewish neighborhood of Besalú, in Gerona, one graffiti on the door of a synagogue and another graffiti pointing to a Jewish family home, both events that occurred in Madrid, and also the attack on a Jewish couple who received a stone from the window of their house.
In its note, the FCJE demands "politicians and the media responsibility and rigor in the information and comments they disseminate because they can contribute to creating a climate that ultimately encourages people to take the step to radicalizeand commit attacks against people and property, Jewish or not, as has unfortunately happened in France and Belgium in recent days."
Counting Stars expresses its support for the Jewish community in the face of these antisemitic attacks. It is outrageous to see the antisemitic extreme left promoting hatred from the government, with the consequences that we have just reviewed. The ministers involved should not continue another day in their positions.
Main image: Cadena SER Melilla.
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