Before the Catalan flag he did bow: before that of all Spaniards, he did not

Pedro Sánchez's lack of respect for the Flag of Spain in front of Congress

Esp 11·01·2023 · 7:01 0

After five years at the head of the Spanish government, the socialist Pedro Sánchez still does not accept the most basic rules of protocol.

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In the ceremony of the oath to the Constitution by the Princess of Asturias, held this Monday in the Congress of Deputies, there was a moment in which the president of the government once again made evident his lack of respect for one of the symbols of all Spaniards, something predictable seeing the zero respect that it also shows for our Constitution. It happened in the military parade that was held after the oath. You can see that moment in this video:

In the military parade you could see the Flag of Spain corresponding to the Air Force Headquarters. The image you see here is taken from the official video of the event issued by the Royal House.

At the moment in which the Flag of Spain passed before the authorities' box, the members of the Royal Family bowed their heads as a sign of respect, with their arms in a firm position, on both sides of the body. The military and civilians who were next to them did the same, but there were four exceptions.

Those exceptions, from left to right, were Pedro Rollán, president of the Senate (of the Popular Party, who did not bow his head but remained firm), Francina Armengol (president of the Congress, of the PSOE), Pedro Sánchez and the president of the Constitutional Court, Cándido Conde-Pumpido, very close to the PSOE.

As can be seen in the images, Armengol and Sánchez not only did not bow their heads, but they were as if distracted, as if that were boring them and they were paying attention to something else.

Pedro Sánchez did not even look forward when the Spanish Flag passed by, as seen in this video capture. The Flag ended up passing before the president of the government without him even looking ahead. A complete lack of respect.

In 2021 Sánchez did stand at attention and bowed before the Catalan flag

This lack of respect contrasts with another image that we saw in September 2021, when Pedro Sánchez visited the palace of the Generalitat of Catalonia in Barcelona to visit his partner, the separatist Pere Aragonès, from ERC. So Sánchez did bow clearly before the Catalan flag and standing at attention, as seen in this photo of Joan Mateu published then by the newspaper El Mundo.

In view of this last image, Sánchez cannot claim ignorance of the protocol. The respect he showed then before a regional flag was not displayed yesterday before the Flag that represents all of us Spaniards. And all this while negotiating the support of the separatists for his re-election in exchange for an unconstitutional amnesty, which violates the rule of law and the equality of all Spaniards before the law.

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