The editorials published rejecting the Sánchez and Puigdemont pact
The socialist blow to the rule of law in Spain is receiving the opposition of many institutions and also criticism from the media.
Spain: the list of the institutions that reject the socialist attack against the rule of law
TREASON: Pedro Sánchez hands over Spain and the rule of law to the fugitive Puigdemont
These criticisms have also been expressed in editorials, both in Spanish and foreign media. You can see a compilation of some of them here. I will update this entry with other editorials that are published.
List updated on 11/11/2023 9:05 p.m.
- El Mundo: "The concessions made by the PSOE to remain in power exceed the worst fears. The entire agreement signed contains the unmistakable axiom of the independence movement: the questioning of Spanish democracy and the rule of law, as way to weaken the Nationand move towards the self-determination of Catalonia."
- Abc: "The pact between the PSOE and Junts includes unexpected transfers that abound in the deterioration of our rule of law. The mere mention of 'lawfare' and the consideration that the judiciary will be subject to the scrutiny of The Cortes definitively dynamite the independence of one of the powers of the State."
- El Debate: "Sánchez places Spain on the brink of institutional collapse with an act of constitutional betrayal that must have a legal, social and political response."
- La Razón: "The agreement between the PSOE and Junts is actually the assumption of each and every one of the demands of the separatists and what they represent and are established in those four pages that certify the unconditional capitulation of the rule of law."
- Libertad Digital: "Pedro Sánchez has handed over national sovereignty to the separatists to conclude the demolition of the rule of law in Spain."
- El Español: "The document published yesterday by PSOE and Junts reveals a crazy investiture agreement that attacks fundamental values of the Constitution such as the unity of the nation, legal certainty or the principle of equality among Spaniards."
- Vozpópuli: "For an exclusively personal interest, Pedro Sánchez agrees to become, and to convert us, into a puppet of the rudest and most exclusive nationalism. And he does so without the slightest hint of respect for the citizens, impugning with insulting impudence their electoral commitments and burying the country's reputation for a long time."
- Cadena COPE: "After the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, we will move towards the processing of an amnesty law, the negotiation of a self-determination referendum, the bankruptcy of the principles of equality among Spaniards and interterritorial solidarity and the search of an international facilitator who, de facto, will allow recognition of the bilateral dimension of the negotiations."
- 20 Minutos: "Sánchez gives in, deteriorates the image of Spain in the midst of the European presidency and is on the verge of overflowing the Constitution – if he has not crossed the line – in exchange only for the seven votes he needs for an investiture that will have a bitter taste for millions of Spaniards. Not even the stability of the legislature is guaranteed."
- El Economista: "an agreement that seriously undermines the rule of law and which, together with the one announced with ERC, aims to change the economic structure of Spain at a stroke to favor the fiscal self-determination of Catalonia without respecting the Constitution. < strong>And all for a handful of votes for Sánchez."
- El Correo: "Sánchez ensures reelection not only at the price of leaving the legislature in the air, but also of tightening the rope of the rule of law, the harmonious loyalty between the institutions and the constitutional bases of coexistence."
- Heraldo de Aragón: "Sánchez secures the investiture but at the price of putting the rule of law at risk and exacerbating the tensions and polarization of Spanish politics."
- Las Provincias: "The pact of the PSOE with Puigdemont to invest Pedro Sánchez as president represents a defeat of the rule of law and the model of coexistence established by the 1978 Constitution."
- Diario de Navarra: "this impudent agreement opens a big hole in the rule of law. That's clear. A highly dangerous path, taking into account that its independence and secessionist partners are insatiable in their demands."
- La Gaceta Regional de Salamanca: "The PSOE-Junts agreement undermines the constitutional order and attacks equality among Spaniards. This Sunday, citizens have the opportunity to show their rejection of being humiliated by Sánchez."
- Hoy Aragón: "The PSOE, under the leadership of Sánchez, has accepted the demands of secessionism in a game of political concessions that are now clearly materialized in this pact. And they leave the Constitution on the verge of a formal and legal vacuum."
- The Wall Street Journal (United States): "Remember last summer when everyone was afraid that a far-right party could perform well in a Spanish election and endanger Spain and the European Union? Well it’s starting to look like the alternative was worse, after Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez on Thursday struck a deal with regional separatists to stay in power."
- The Times (United Kingdom): "Mr Sánchez’s ability to govern will remain precariously dependent on his new allies. He may yet come to regret forcing an unwelcome political settlement on the Spanish people rather than facing up to a second election or forming a grand alliance with the conservatives. He appears to have chosen power at any cost."
Photo: PSOE.
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