Spain has a government marred by corruption scandals and that does not answer any questions at the seat of national sovereignty.
Sánchez does not answer any questions about the corruption of his party
Yesterday Pedro Sánchez appeared in the Senate for the first time since May of last year. Eight months without going to the Upper House, as if the Legislative Power were dispensable where the Socialist Party (PSOE) does not have a majority, as is the case in the Senate. After that prolonged absence, and in the face of the corruption scandals affecting the government, Sánchez owed all Spaniards many explanations and he did not give a single one: he did not answer any questions from the opposition and instead He dedicated himself to criticizing and even launching personal disqualifications against his political rivals, as he has done since he came to power.
We Spaniards have been witnessing for six years this spectacle of political pornography in which the government refuses to give explanations about anything, as if having to give them were a nuisance, and limits itself to using its appearances in Congress and the Senate to make an exhibition of arrogance, prepotency, absolute inability to self-criticism and authoritarianism.
An attempt to annul the parliamentary control of a democracy
This embarrassing spectacle, with which Sánchez has been degrading parliamentary activity, has an increasingly clear goal: to annul one of the pillars of democracy: legislative control. It is the dream of every autocrat, which is how a ruler who thinks that the only limit to his authority is the one set by his own desires deserves to be described. An exhibition of socialism, in short, because at the end of the day, this attitude of contempt for democracy has its roots in that ideology that repudiates the limits to political power and seeks to exercise it as if he didn't have to be accountable to anyone, not even when the socialists are caught stealing from all citizens.
Sánchez's accomplices in this assault on democracy
It is very alarming that Spain has a government determined to demolish the rule of law, attacking institutions to put them at the service of its partisan interests. But no less alarming is to observe that if this happens it is because many left-wing voters prefer a dictatorship than a democracy in which the right can win the elections. This is the only way to explain that despite the scandals of the Sánchez government and its exchange of favors with Catalan separatism, including the erasure of its entire criminal record, this corrupt socialism continues to have the support of millions of Spaniards.
A dictatorship is not a regime that can be installed in a country only by the will and action of a few. All dictatorships have had millions of followers who considered the elimination of their rivals legitimate, whether by silencing them in public life, sending them to prison or ending their lives. Spain is no exception.
Sánchez is not carrying out the task of destroying our democracy from within alone: he is supported by a socialist sect made up of millions of voters who have as few moral scruples as he does, who consider that being left-wing gives you the right to steal and trample on freedoms, and who believe that anything goes, even violating the Constitution, to prevent the right from governing. We must not only ask the apprentice tyrant who is in La Moncloa to account for everything he is doing: we must also ask the members of that enormous sect, which is taking Spain down the path of authoritarianism.
Photo: PSOE.
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