Serious attack by the EU on life, judicial independence and religious freedom

The infamies of the pro-abortion pamphlet supported by the EPP against Poland

Esp 11·29·2020 · 6:36 0

This Thursday, November 26, the European Parliament approved a resolution that deserves to be classified as the political and moral suicide of the European Union.

Abortion and eugenics: Poland has won the last battle against nazism and communism
The barbarities of the socialist report that the PP supported to promote abortion in Poland

A political pamphlet in favor of eugenic abortion

The approved resolution - which rather deserves to be called a pamphlet due to its ideological bias - can be read here. The text is an absolute nonsense that expressly condemns the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court of Poland (TK) on eugenic abortion, a ruling that declared this assumption of abortion incompatible with the Polish Constitution, whose articles 30 and 38 respectively protect human dignity and "the life of every human being."

The European Parliament usurps the functions of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal

On top of the nonsense, the resolution of the European Parliament says that this ruling by the TK violates the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. This confirms that the MEPs who have promoted and supported this resolution have not even read the Polish Constitution, since in addition to the aforementioned Articles 30 and 38, Article 188 states that it is up to the Constitutional Court of Poland to rule on "the conformity of legal provisions issued by central State organs to the Constitution." It is up to the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland, and not the European Parliament.

The resolution attacks judicial independence and the separation of powers

But in addition to condemning a sentence handed down by the Constitutional Tribunal of a sovereign country, European Parliament launches to question the legitimacy of that Tribunal, stating that "the aforementioned ruling was pronounced by judges elected by and totally dependent on politicians from the PiS (Law and Justice)." This accusation is astounding, considering that the Constitutional Court of Germany, the Constitutional Council of France and the Constitutional Tribunal of Spain are elected by politicians, without the European Parliament having so far questioned the legitimacy of any of their sentences because of it.

In 2017 I already explained here the election process of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, and how the Citizen Platform (the Polish partner of the European People's Party) tried to illegally assault it. At that time, the European Union did not make any scandal about it, perhaps because the president of the European Commission was the Pole Donald Tusk, a member of the Citizen Platform. This resolution passed on Thursday is an unprecedented attack on judicial independence and the separation of powers, as well as an attack on the independence of a sovereign country. Something very serious and that radically violates the very democratic foundations on which the EU is theoretically based.

The text invents a non-existent human right to abortion

Since what we have just seen is very serious, the aforementioned resolution says even worse things. In it, the European Parliament defends abortion as if killing innocent and defenseless human beings were a right, and it does so by stating that "universal access to healthcare and SRHR [women’s sexual and reproductive rights] are fundamental human rights" . This is a colossal lie. Where in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights does abortion appear to be a right? None of his articles say such a thing. What it does say (Article 3) is this: "Everyone has the right to life."

The resolution attacks the "cultural and religious values" of Poland...

In addition to attacking the right to life, the resolution also attacks religious freedom. For example, it states that "cultural and religious values in Poland are thus being abused as reasons to impede the full realisation of women's rights, equality for women and their right to make decisions about their own bodies", referring to induced abortion. Are they referring to cultural and religious values as universal as the Fifth Commandment, which says "you shall not kill"? Will the next thing be to accuse the Poles of being religious fundamentalists for having laws that coincide with the Seventh Commandment, which says "you shall not steal"?

... and does not condemn the attacks of abortion groups against churches

Furthermore, the resolution criticizes Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński encouraging the population to protect churches "at all costs", but it does not condemn or say anything about attacks on churches carried out by left-wing extremists, attacks encouraged by the Citizen Platform (the Polish partner of the European People's Party, let's not forget). In short: the European Parliament wants Polish Catholics to allow their temples to be stormed.

The majority of MEPs of the European People's Party supported the text

Significantly, this resolution has been supported by most of the MEPs of the European People's Party (EPP). In fact, the text was promoted by five groups (the EPP, the Socialists, the progressives of Renew Group, the Greens of the ALE and the far-left of GUE/NGL). Among the EPP deputies who promoted the text are two Poles from the Citizen Platform: Andrzej Halicki and Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska. The vote has divided that party: 20 EPP deputies have voted against, including three Spaniards (Juan Ignacio Zoido, José Manuel García-Margallo and Isabel Benjumea), while the other Spanish EPP MEPs have abstained.

Vox was the only Spanish party that voted en bloc to support Poland

All four Vox MPs have voted against the resolution together with their Polish PiS partners, also members of the Group of European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR). The Spanish MEP Margarita de la Pisa highlighted this Friday that Vox has been the only Spanish party "that supports Poland in this situation", and has denounced the support of the European Parliament for the violent demonstrations by pro-abortion groups. Once again, many thanks to Poland for standing firm against the totalitarian drift the EU is embracing, and many thanks to Vox for supporting Poland.

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