They push ALS patients to die after blocking the law that was going to help them

The terrible audio published by Jordi Sabaté that reveals what Sánchez uses euthanasia for

Esp 7·27·2023 · 18:29 0

The government of Pedro Sánchez was in a hurry to approve the euthanasia law, which came into force in March 2021.

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Euthanasia promoters blocked the ALS Law 49 times

However, the socialists of the PSOE and their communist partners of Podemos they kept blocking the ALS Law, unanimously approved in Congress to help patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. This law was postponed 49 times, which shows that the government had no intention of moving it forward. When Pedro Sánchez called the general elections on July 23 in advance, the ELA Law, like the other legislative initiatives that were being processed, decayed. Now we have to start over.

In June, a group of ALS patients filed a complaint against Sánchez in the Supreme Court for this blocking of the ALS Law. The complainants accuse Sánchez of "the fraudulent intention of not processing a law despite the fact that the bill was voted in favor just for taking the photo, as is commonly said, and without that there is justification", and they accuse the government of "leaving thousands of compatriots to their fate, inviting them to advance euthanasia, executing before the Table of Congress no less that 49 extensions in the processing of the law."

An audio shows the terrible testimony of an ALS patient

Yesterday, one of the ALS patients who fought the most to promote the aforementioned ALS Law, Jordi Sabaté Pons , published this message sent to him by a friend who is also sick with ALS, who, in the absence of help to be able to live with dignity, is considering "the other thing", in a veiled reference to euthanasia (the video is in Spanish, you can activate the automatic subtitles in English in the bottom bar of the player):

A 'State crime' to save money at the expense of the sick

Five years ago, in June 2018, when the Socialists presented their euthanasia law -it was one of the first things they did as soon as they came to power-, I already warned here that in the Netherlands euthanasia had set back palliative care. I also denounced that they were trying to convince certain people who consume a lot of public resources that it is better to die, and to convince them of this they are hammered with messages stating that their life is not dignified, something that The Nazis already did it, in case anyone has forgotten.

The message published by Jordi makes it clear what euthanasia is used for where it has been legalized: it is not a "dignified death", it is a "final solution" so as not to invest in palliative care, that is, in providing a dignified life for the sick. Jordi is right when he says that this is a "state crime". It is, and I hope that those responsible for this crime end up being held accountable before Justice.


Photo: PSOE.

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