He tries to whitewash the antidemocratic attitudes of Pablo Iglesias Posse

Sánchez vindicates the founder of the PSOE, who encouraged a coup and supported a dictatorship

The Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) turns 145 today. A party that emerged as a far-left organization.

The antidemocratic attitude of historical socialists whom the PSOE still claims
Pedro Sánchez said he would imitate a socialist leader who led a coup d'état

In view of the antidemocratic drift of the PSOE, it seems that this party has decided to return to its origins, when it defended the "suppression of the Judiciary", that is, of an independent Justice typical of democracies. To celebrate that anniversary, its secretary general, Pedro Sánchez, has released a letter addressed to his party colleagues, in which he again displays his authoritarian attitude.

Sánchez speaks of the PSOE as if it were the only party of the regime

In the text, Sánchez affirms that "the PSOE is the systemic party of democracy and the Spanish Constitution. The stronger the democracy, the stronger the PSOE is." A statement that seems to confuse the PSOE with the sole party of an authoritarian regime, and that ignores all reference to what really makes a democracy strong, which is political pluralism. A pluralism that Sánchez has been trampling on with his constant calls to impose anti-democratic cordons on Vox, a democratic party that defends his ideas in a legal and peaceful way.

Sánchez, who these days tries to cover up his party's corruption scandals by attributing them to "hoaxes" from the "ultra-right", has the audacity to affirm that "the main task of our party is to contribute to the strengthening of our democracy", an exhibition of cynicism, taking into account that Sánchez, his government and his party have repeatedly violated the Constitution and fundamental rights, as confirmed by three rulings of the Constitutional Court.

Claims the founder of the PSOE, who instigated terrorism

In his letter, the socialist leader once again vindicates the founder of the PSOE, Pablo Iglesias Posse, stating: "Pablo Iglesias, our founder, wrote that socialism is freedom." The appeals to the founder of the PSOE, presenting him as if he were a great democrat, are one of the biggest deceptions of the PSOE. Let us remember that on July 7, 1910, from the tribune of Parliament, Pablo Iglesias invited a terrorist attack against the conservative deputy Antonio Maura, stating the following:

"Such has been the indignation produced by the policy of the government chaired by Mr. Maura, that the proletarian elements, who we, who are said to do not esteem our nation, who do not esteem the interests of our country, truly loving it, feeling the misfortunes of all, we have reached the point of considering that before His Honor comes to power we must reach personal attacks."

Cover of the July 29, 1910 issue of 'El Socialista', the official newspaper of the PSOE. In this issue, the newspaper mocked the attack suffered by Maura a week earlier.

On July 15, the official newspaper of the PSOE, "El Socialista", confirmed Iglesias' threat to Maura: "to avoid Spain the embarrassment of being governed again by a politician as disastrous as the head of the conservative party it was necessary appeal to all means, even violence."

On July 22, Maura suffered a shooting attack while traveling by train to Barcelona with her family, leaving her injured in the leg and arm. After instigating it, Pablo Iglesias refused to condemn this attack and even mocked Maura from the pages of the official newspaper of the PSOE, "El Socialista", in its issue of July 29: "The Universe itself attributes It is thanks to the intervention of the holy virgin that Mr. Maura escaped with his life from the infamous attack. So trust the virgin and do not run!"

Pablo Iglesias encouraged the coup against a liberal government

In that incendiary speech of July 7, 1910 in the Cortes, Pablo Iglesias also made clear his lack of respect for democracy: "this party has not changed its opinion regarding this matter; it will be in the legality as long as the legality allows it to acquire what it needs; outside the legality, as all parties have been, when it does not allow it to realize its aspirations."

Pablo Iglesias at a PSOE rally in 1909 during the Tragic Week of Barcelona. On July 11 of that year, the founder of the party declared in a public event: "We must fight the Government using all means."

Four days later, on July 11, 1910, Pablo Iglesias openly encouraged the coup in a new speech in which he stated: "The enemies of the Spanish people are not the Moroccans, but the Government." We must fight the Government using all means. Instead of pulling down, the soldiers must pull up", an incitement to the Army to rebel against the government of liberal José Canalejas.

The support of Pablo Iglesias and the PSOE for Lenin's dictatorship

Pablo Iglesias' contempt for democratic methods was also evident in the demonstration of May 1, 1919, when Pablo Iglesias and other PSOE leaders marched with a banner with the motto "Long live Russia", in support of Lenin's communist dictatorship, whose regime of terror was carrying out mass murder, torture and politically motivated imprisonment in the first major network of concentration camps in history, the Gulag.

Pablo Iglesias accompanied by other leaders of the PSOE, including Francisco Largo Caballero, in the demonstration on May 1, 1919 in Madrid, along with a large banner with the motto "Viva Rusia" (Long live Russia) (Photo: Los Domingos de Abc, 6 de julio de 1980).

On July 19, 1919, el newspaper "El Socialista" affirmed that "Russia would constitute - it already is, without a doubt - the great socialist epic, to which everyone will turn their eyes in admiration men of good will", and added: "today the work of the Russians finds an echo in all proletarian breasts and, despite the slanderous campaigns of the press, that charges its censures to both the line, and despite all the false horrors that have circulated there, instinct tells the deep masses of proletarians that the Soviet Revolution is their revolution, the one that will carry out most of its ideals."

Let us remember that Lenin's dictatorship was the first totalitarian regime of the 20th century, established through a coup d'état in 1917, 16 years before the rise of the national- socialism to power in Germany. With a reference like Pablo Iglesias, we can get an idea of Sánchez's concept of democracy.

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