Regarding the "party event" summoned by the PP against the amnesty

You cannot boast of a 'sense of State' and not show it when Spain needs unity

Esp 9·16·2023 · 7:01 0

"We have time to prevent the threat that hangs over the State from being consumed and to avoid a point of no return."

Vox, the only Spanish party that acts correctly against Sánchez's smokescreen
Feijóo returns to his old ways against Vox and still does not understand the raison d'être of this party

“Our model of coexistence has been challenged”

What you just read are words spoken yesterday by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, president of the Popular Party, who added: "Our model of coexistence has been challenged and the response It must start from the defense of the pact that we all made to continue advancing and building a better country together. Feijóo also stated that Spain has been able to " overcome the challenges that threatened it through unity and consensus, with high vision and respect for our Constitution."

That statement sounds great, but it becomes empty words if it is not accompanied by facts. You cannot ask for unity in the face of a common problem for all democrats and at the same time act as if it were not one, as if the only political force that is willing to defend our model of coexistence was the Popular Party and there wouldn't be any more. In the pacts reached in several regions and cities, Vox has shown its willingness to reach an agreement with the PP with a common objective, which is the defense of Spain and Freedom.

A repellent attitude of the PP towards Vox that is inappropriate for a moment like this

I say all this because in the face of the challenge that Spain is experiencing at the hands of the government of Pedro Sánchez and his separatist partners, the PP has decided to call a "party event" against the amnesty and has used its related media to convey the message that will not invite Vox, for avoid being photographed with leaders of that party. This is nothing new, and it is certainly not the attitude that the party with the most votes should have at such a critical moment.

Until now, Vox has acted very generously announcing its support for Feijóo's investiture, a support that the president of the PP he ended up thanking. The traditional repellent attitude of the PP towards Vox seemed to have changed with gestures such as the public meeting between Feijóo and Santiago Abascal, president of Vox, on September 5, in the first photo that has been taken of a meeting between the two. But now the PP returns to its previous petty attitude, treating Vox as if it were a plagued party and demonstrating low vision at a time like this. I won't say that I feel disappointed because for many years now I haven't expected much from the PP.

Where is that “sense of State” that the PP boasts so much about?

The PP leadership should critically analyze the image it gives with an act like that and with gestures like the ones it just made at Vox. One of the reasons for the failure of the center-right in the July elections was the PP's eagerness to treat Vox with repugnance, helping to fuel the left's campaign to demonize that party at the same time that Vox allowed the PP to take over several regional and local governments. A rather ungrateful and foolish attitude.

The PP has been boasting for many years that it has a "sense of State", but when push comes to shove it does not display it precisely when Spain especially needs unity among constitutionalists. The PP seems determined to repeat its mistakes of two months ago, forgetting the situation to which those errors have led Spain.

In a situation like this, what Spain needs is a joint and unitary mobilization in the streets, leaving partisan differences aside, and not a party act. It is alarming to see the lack of coherence that the PP exhibits when making a diagnosis of the situation like the one I indicated at the beginning and then acting as if none of that were true. Every day that passes I understand the leadership of that party less.


Photo: Vox Congreso.

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