A new positioning of the Popular Party in favor of the culture of death

The PP votes in favor of a pro-abortion initiative of the PSOE and leaves Vox alone defending life

Esp 9·29·2023 · 20:28 0

The Popular Party never tires of demonstrating that it is an unvotable party for Christians and for defenders of life in general.

The Spanish Popular Party uses its absolute majority in Andalusia to promote abortion
Galicia: more public resources to finance abortions than to help pregnant women

This time he has demonstrated it in the Assembly of Extremadura, where yesterday a PSOE initiative was voted on, PDIP-5, to promote abortion, that is, the elimination of unborn children in the womb. In the debate (you can see the full video here), the spokesperson for the Vox parliamentary group, Óscar Fernández Calle, was left alone defending the right to life of the most innocent and defenseless. An honorable solitude, the same loneliness of those who once defended the abolition of slavery. My congratulations to Oscar for this.

Finally, the vote once again demonstrated which party is really an alternative to the left and which is not. The video of the vote on that proposal can be seen here (point 6:23:25 of the video). The 5 Vox deputies voted against. The 8 deputies of the PP voted in favor of the pro-abortion initiative of the PSOE. As a defender of life and a Vox voter, I cannot do less than feel proud of those five deputies who have voted in defense of the weakest.

The PP's position was no surprise. Let us remember that before the last regional elections, the president of the PP of Extremadura, María Guardiola, she defended abortion and the "gender perspective". Those who voted for the PP after that and do not agree with those ideological theses of the left, either they did not find out what the PP really defends, or they did find out and decided to opt for the happy "useful vote." The question is: for whom is it "useful" to vote for the PP? For abortion centers that make a business from the death of innocents?

On the other hand, I wonder: Has Cadena COPE reported on this vote? Nothing appears on their website. The Episcopal Conference station has been supporting the PP despite its openly anti-Christian ideological positions. Doesn't that the PP defend the "culture of death", as Saint John Paul II called it, something worth mentioning? I suggest them review what the Gospel of Saint Luke, chapter 19, says: "I tell you that, if these remain silent, the stones will scream."


Photo: Partido Popular.

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