The Kremlin has had good relations with this Islamist terrorist group since 2006

Russia's influence on Hamas' attack on Israel and its use against Ukraine and Europe

The Kremlin has for many years supported every possible effort to weaken the West, and that includes the Hamas terrorists.

Terrorist attack on Israel: once again, the communists and the nazis united in infamy
The George Soros of Moscow: Vladimir Putin and his support to the radical left of the West

The dictatorships of Hamas and Fatah in the Palestinian territories

Relations between Vladimir Putin's regime and the Islamist terrorist group that holds power in the Gaza Strip began in March 2006. In January of that year, parliamentary elections were organized in the Palestinian territories, in which residents of the West Bank and Gaza could participate. Hamas won with 44% of the vote and its Fatah rivals obtained 41%.

Hamas took power in Gaza, creating de facto its own state that does not recognize the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas (elected in 2005), and Fatah entrenched itself in the West Bank, a situation that remains 17 years later. It should be noted that no new elections have been held in the Palestinian territories. Both Hamas and Fatah govern, in fact, as dictatorial regimes.

Putin requested a meeting with Hamas terrorists in 2006

The fact that a terrorist gang took over Gaza caused alarm in Israel. Russia saw Hamas' victory as an opportunity and Putin requested a meeting with that terrorist group, as the Russian Foreign Ministry openly acknowledged in a note published on March 21, 2006, in which the Russian government stated that "there was no reason not to establish contacts with this organization", despite recognizing that Hamas was committed to "armed struggle", a cynical euphemism to refer to its terrorist activity.

The triangle formed by Russia, Hamas and Iran

Since then, relations between Moscow and Hamas have continued to intensify. Russia's ties to the terrorist group that controls the Gaza Strip are not coincidental. As the Palestinian president himself acknowledged in 2009, Hamas is financed by Iran, Israel's greatest enemy and a strategic ally of Russia. Let us remember, without going any further, that Iran is providing weapons to Russia for use in the invasion of Ukraine. At the same time, Hamas's relations with the Syrian dictatorship, also an enemy of Israel and an ally of Russia, they resumed in October 2022, perhaps in an attempt to cope with the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Arab countries.

Russia uses Hamas attack to weaken support for Ukraine

Russia has not even bothered to disguise its influence on the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel. Dmitry Medvedev, vice president of the Russian Security Council, said on Saturday that the attack terrorist attack against Israel is "an expected development" and added: "This is what Washington and its allies should be busy with,", stating that "instead of actively working at Palestinian-Israeli settlement, these morons have interfered with us, and are providing the neo-Nazis with full-scale aid, pitting the two closely related peoples against each other." A cynical reference to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the atrocities Russia is committing there.

Medvedev's words show that Russia is using Hamas terrorists to weaken Ukraine, removing the focus of global public attention from that invasion to the Middle East. This Sunday, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, warned that the Hamas terrorist attack "favors Russia and Russian aggression against Ukraine, distracts the world's attention."

Poland warns of the looming migration crisis

The Polish president also warned about the effects of this war on migration: "I fear that, unfortunately, this will cause another migratory pressure on Europe. We will probably have a wave of immigrants from the East again. Environment that will affect Europe." Duda added: "The question of our security, the protection of the borders of the Republic of Poland, the borders of the EU and space Schengen is becoming even more important."

Russia and Belarus use immigration to destabilize the EU

Let us remember that in 2021, a few months before the invasion of Ukraine, Belarus, supported by Russia, launched a migration attack against Lithuania and Poland, using Iraqi, Afghan or Congolese immigrants transported to Minsk through an airlift from Iraq and Turkey. That migratory attack sought to destabilize the European Union just before the attack planned for months by Moscow against Ukraine. This new war in the Middle East could provide the Kremlin with new opportunities to generate a migration crisis in Europe, to which we must add those that Russia is already creating in Africa with its attempts to destabilize several countries, using Wagner's mercenaries for this purpose, as I already pointed out here.

Ukraine and Israel are fighting against barbarism

For this reason, and to confront Moscow's maneuvers, it is important that the West does not cease its aid to Ukraine while providing support to Israel, which for decades has been the easternmost border of the Western world against the barbarity of Islam. Ukraine and Israel are not only defending their borders, but also freedom and Western civilization against some of their worst enemies.

The importance of securing the borders of the European Union

At the same time, it is essential that the European Union abandons naive and irresponsible discourses on immigration. An open door policy can only be supported by those who want to transfer to Europe the barbaric attitudes that the Hamas terrorists are exhibiting. Just look at the demonstrations that Islamic fundamentalists are making in European countries to support the terrorist attack against Israel. We already have the enemy on our soil and some - especially the extreme left that sympathizes with the Hamas terrorists and that repeats the Kremlin's slogans about Ukraine- want even more to come.


Photo: Mikhail Svetlov.

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