The facts that we must always keep in mind in the defense of life

Five truths that the pro-abortion lobby will not be able to silence, no matter how hard it tries

Today is the day of the Holy Innocents, in which we remember the slaughter of newborns at the hands of King Herod in Bethlehem of Judah.

2.75 million aborted children in Spain: the politicians responsible for this atrocity
11 common arguments in favor of abortion and the reasons that prove them false

The pro-abortion lobby has been doing everything possible for many years to ensure that an equally atrocious massacre is repeated every day: that which is committed against unborn children in the womb, a massacre promoted by the laws that they allow and encourage that atrocity. I can think of many ethical, moral and political issues in which I may have some doubt about my opinions, but on this issue I do not have the slightest doubt, becauseabout abortion there are very solid truths that the pro-abortion lobby will not be able to Never silence, no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you try to censor those of us who defend the right to live:

1. Human life begins with conception.It is not something that a certain religion or ideology says: it is something that science has amply demonstrated. Denying that has the same scientific rigor as affirming that the Earth is flat. In 2009, a Spanish socialist minister denied that a 13-week-old fetus is a human being: "that has no scientific basis", stated Bibiana Aído. It is astonishing that some who claim to be the standard-bearers of science, intellect and culture insist on denying scientific evidence because it contradicts their ideology.

2. Women do not conceive non-human beings.In recent years, members of the pro-abortion lobby have said the greatest nonsense to justify the atrocity they defend. One of them holds the idea that an unborn child is not a human being. In 2009, a socialist from Peru even equated aborted children with vegetables.

3. To abort is to end a human life. Abortion is killing. No matter how much they try to disguise it with euphemisms, induced abortion consists of causing the death of a human being. It is not something that any pope has invented: Medicine has demonstrated it actively and passively. However, in 2009 the socialist Elena Valenciano denied that there is life in a human embryo. This statement is no longer stupidity comparable to saying that the Earth is flat: rather, it is something as ridiculous as claiming that the Earth does not exist.

4. To abort is to kill an innocent and defenseless human being.Produced abortion is one of the most cowardly acts that a human being can commit: ending the life of another human being at that stage of their development in the one that is weaker, in which that baby cannot defend itself and has not committed any harm to anyone, which makes it guilty of a death penalty that today is not contemplated even for the most heinous crimesin most civilized countries.

5. Abortion is not a right: it is a crime.No one has the right to kill an innocent and defenseless human being. No right to self-defense can be invoked against an unborn baby. The right to privacy is not above the right to life either. As much as there are unjust laws that call this atrocity a "right", it is still a crime, and the correct thing is to repeal those laws. Killing the most innocent and defenseless is an act of barbarism that must be eradicated. The social acceptance of this monstrosity is something for which we will be despised in the future, just as those who consider the ownership of slaves a "right" are today.

Finally, they may threaten me with sanctions, ostracism, jail or worse things, but whatever they do I will continue to think what I just said here and I will continue to express it whenever I have the opportunity to do so . The defense of life against abortion is one of the most important causes of our time.


Photo: Kelly Sikkema.

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