The Popular Party (PP) and the Socialist Party (PSOE) said that they only wanted to change the word "disabled" in Art. 49 of the Constitution.
The PP announces the new text agreed with the PSOE
Well: now we can confirm that what they told us was a lie. This Friday, the representative of the Popular Party Ana Pastor announced the text of the reform of the Article 49 that both parties promote (the PP and the PSOE have jointly registered it in Congress), and then the surprise has come. Article 49 of the Constitution currently has this wording:
"The public authorities shall carry out a policy of preventive care, treatment, rehabilitation and integration of the physically, sensorially and mentally handicapped who shall be given the specialised care that they require, and be afforded them special protection in order that they may enjoy the rights conferred by thisTitle upon all citizens."
And this is the new wording that the PP and the PSOE have agreed upon and that both parties have registered in Congress:
"1. People with disabilities exercise the rights provided for in this Title under conditions of real and effective freedom and equality. The special protection necessary for said exercise will be regulated by law.
2. Public powers will promote policies that guarantee full personal autonomy and social inclusion of people with disabilities, in universally accessible environments. Likewise, they will encourage the participation of their organizations, in the terms established by law. The specific needs of women and minors with disabilities will be particularly addressed."
A text that attacks the right to equality before the law
If they were only going to change one word, what sense does it make for an Article with one paragraph to have two? But above all, why are people of one sex specifically mentioned? Let us remember that Article 14 of the Constitution states the following:
"Spaniards are equal before the law and may not in any way be discriminated against on account of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance."
What the new Article 49 does is contradict Article 14. There was no need to expressly mention women in the new wording, it was enough to say that the specific needs of each disabled person will be addressed, whatever their condition, but the PP and the PSOE have not been able to avoid an increasingly marked trend in their political actions: subordinating equality to feminism, marginalizing disabled men, in this case, as if they had no specific needs.
Criticism from Vox against this new attack on equality
The only party that has had the decency to criticize this new attack on equality before the law has been Vox. Deputy Carla Toscano has thus commented on this reform in her message published this afternoon, in which he quotes the text in question: "Inequality before the law is constitutionally enshrined: men are worth less". Another Vox deputy, Rocío de Meer, has also criticized this reform: "Don't be fooled with the reform of art. 49. They don't want to change the word “disabled”. What they want is to incorporate their little phrases of inequality and fanaticism using people with disabilities. It is miserable."
Photo: Efe. Pedro Sánchez in a meeting with Alberto Núñez Feijóo last summer.
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