The Popular Party does one thing again and then says the opposite

The incoherence of attacking equality on a Thursday and demonstrating for it on Sunday

One of the things that most encourages the detachment of many citizens from politics is the incoherence that many politicians exhibit.

PP and PSOE use their reform of the Spanish Constitution to discriminate against disabled men
Feijóo still doesn't understand why Vox appeared and why many of us will not vote for the PP

Seeing politicians doing one thing and then saying the opposite is something that makes many Spaniards lose faith in politics, seeing themselves constantly deceived. That is one of the reasons that push so many people not to go to vote, despite there being other political options that do not exhibit that incoherence.

Yesterday, Sunday, January 28, the Popular Party (PP) organized a new demonstration in Madrid. This motto was read on the platform: "For the equality of the Spaniards." After the event, the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, thanked those who came with these words: "Thank you for defending a society of free and equal citizens."

Just three days before, on Thursday, January 25, the PP joined the left to approve a discriminatory reform of Article 49 of the Constitution, which opens the door to gender ideology by stating: "The specific needs of women and minors with disabilities will be particularly addressed." Perhaps disabled men, like an uncle mine, don't they deserve to have their specific needs addressed?

Feijóo also affirmed that he will work every day so that "no one is more than anyone". And how is that reconciled with the discriminatory reform that the PP approved three days before? How is that combined with the discrimination against Spanish that the PP imposes in Galicia? How is that combined with the gender laws that the PP Are you supporting to grant privileges to certain groups for sexual reasons? How is that combined with the gender violence law that the PP supported and that imposes different penalties depending on sex?

For years, in a process of ideological surrender that seems to have no end, the PP has been adding its votes to the left to increasingly degrade equality among Spaniards. This is what he did on Thursday, and then, on Sunday, he went out to demonstrate "for equality." It is incoherent and an act of cynicism. And the saddest thing is that many voters continue to take that bait, for the greater glory of socialists and communists, who have had an ally in the PP for years. essential in the liquidation of equality in Spain.

Honestly, I am very happy that Vox has decided to distance itself from these PP demonstrations. Unlike Feijóo's party, the party led by Abascal does prove to be consistent with its principles, both in the streets and in the institutions. That is why it suffers so many attacks from the media, both from those close to the left and from those close to the PP. I encourage Vox not to let itself be bowed down by these pressures. There are many of us Spaniards for whom Vox is our last hope of recovering our equality.


Photo: Partido Popular.

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