Reality is that annoying neighbor that reminds us that there are things that are the way they are no matter how much our desires say otherwise.
Among those things that are as they are, facts are that the snow is white, the rain is wet, the sun rises in the east and communists love dictatorships. There is not a single exception to all these facts. The last of them is being ratified again in Colombia.
Petro threatens to liquidate democracy in Colombia
This Friday, the president of Colombia, the communist Gustavo Petro, threatened with a "constituent assembly" to draft a new Constitution if the legislative branch, Congress and the Senate, do not approve the reforms he wants, after some of his allies abandoned him because of their scandals of corruption and its links to drug trafficking and the government remained in a minority in both chambers, which has opened the door to its possible dismissal.
The same measure that Chávez used to establish his dictatorship in Venezuela
The measure announced by Petro is not new. A constituent assembly is what Hugo Chávez used in April 1999 to establish the current socialist dictatorship of Venezuela. Through manipulation of the electoral system and through fraud in the elections for that new chamber in July 1999, Chávez won 95% of the seats in his new assembly, after a few months before, in the parliamentary elections, Chávez's Fifth Republic Movement lost both in Congress and in the Senate.
Of course, what Chávez did was a full-fledged coup d'état. And that is what Petro intends to do in Colombia, to liquidate democracy and remain in power in that country as his socialist colleagues already did in Venezuela. And as already happened then, Petro is instigating violence in the country, as Allende already did in Chile in 1973 when he lost the support of Congress and as Hugo Chávez also did in Venezuela. The extreme left has been trying to liquidate democracy in Hispanic America for many years and has already achieved that objective in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia. Now he's going for Colombia.
Foro Madrid already warned in February that “Petro wants to carry out a coup d'état”
On February 9, in a statement that turned out to be prophetic, the Madrid Forum gave the alert about Petro's intentions:
Gustavo Petro wants to carry out a coup d'état to stop the legal cases opened against him. Therefore, he threatens and extorts the Judiciary while persecuting the opposition, openly directing violence and instigating to a civil war. Petro legitimizes narcoterrorist groups to attack the security forces and the Colombian people with the objective of causing terror and remaining in power.
What is happening in Colombia should not be a surprise to those who have followed the trajectory of its current president. Petro was a member of the ultra-left terrorist group M-19, supported by the Cuban communist dictatorship. He has never condemned or asked for forgiveness for the crimes of that group and in his investiture ceremony as president in 2022 he winked at that criminal gang. Petro is a communist who is doing things typical of communists, such as resorting to violence, demolishing democracy and preparing the way to establish a dictatorship in Colombia.
The infamous applause that Petro received in Spain with the only exception of Vox
Only the ignorant or the idiots can pretend to be surprised by Petro's drift. It is worth asking in which of the two categories we should place those who applauded that communist in Congress during his visit to Spain in May 2023, an applause from which they only distanced themselves Vox's conservatives, who left the chamber in protest against Petro's undemocratic attitudes:
The Popular Party (PP) participated in that infamous applause along with the socialists, the communists, the pro-ETA deputies and other allies of the Sánchez government. In fact, the current president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who was not applauding, stood up and began to applaud when he saw the Vox deputies leaving the chamber. Thus, what Petro is doing in Colombia is done after receiving the applause and support of the PP, an applause that today causes even more shame than last year, seeing what is happening in Colombia.
Many who then applauded Petro will today wish they had remained seated and kept their hands still or had accompanied the Vox deputies in their gesture of protest during that session in Congress. Today I dedicate my applause to those Vox deputies, who made a gesture of dignity in front of an aspiring dictator, in the same way that I praised them for it then. They had a gesture of dignity for which they were criticized by the other parties and by all their media supporters. Time has proven Vox right, once again.
Photo: Chepa Beltrán / Zuma Press.
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