PSOE and PP entertain the single party of the largest dictatorship in the world

Some very different guests: Vox with democrats, PSOE and PP with the CPC

In the midst of the European election campaign, it is astonishing to see the international meetings announced by some Spanish parties.

The immoral meeting of the PSOE with the single party of the largest dictatorship in the world
Vox's Viva 24 event leads the left-wing to exhibit its allergy to ideological pluralism

The PSOE meets with the Communist Party of China ...

This Friday we already saw here the meeting of the PSOE with the Communist Party of China (CPC), the single party of the largest dictatorship in the world, a totalitarian organization that has been ruling China for 75 years without free elections, violating human rights and committing one of the greatest genocides in history. It is the same PSOE that calls a democratic party like Vox "fascist" and "extreme right", simply because it defends conservative ideas that are fully in line with democratic approaches.

... and Juanma Moreno (PP) does the same 24 hours later

As is usual, the Popular Party always ends up doing the same as the PSOE. It used to take 10 years. Little by little that period has been shortened. This time it only took 24 hours. Yesterday, Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, of the PP and president of the Junta de Andalucía, published this on Twitter:

Moreno talks about a meeting with a "delegation of the Political Bureau of China", without giving more clues. 🤔 Will it be a bureau of a neighborhood association or a federation of chopstick manufacturers for eating rice? Well no. Yin Li is the member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China which met the day before with the PSOE. Thus, Moreno forgot to say that the meeting was with leaders of the Communist Party of China. An unimportant detail...

The PP has been holding meetings with this antidemocratic party for years

Surely, many PP voters will believe that this is something specific. It isn't true. The PP has been holding meetings with the CPC for many years, as I have recounted here in several articles. Esteban González Pons, PP deputy and institutional deputy general secretary of that party, has been a regular participant in these meetings. Let us remember that like the PSOE, González Pons has also described Vox as "extreme right". Perhaps that label is now applied in the PP to conservative democratic parties that refuse to meet with leaders of a totalitarian party like the CPC.

Vox, the only one of the major Spanish parties that does not have contacts with the CPC

Here comes the key note of this entry: of the major Spanish parties, Vox is the only one that rejects all contact with the CPC. Three years ago I already reviewed here the contacts of the CPC with parties of the left and the extreme left in Spain, among them the Communist Party of Spain (PCE), the backbone of the Sumar coalition (the communist partners of the Sánchez government) and in which the vice president Yolanda Díaz and the minister Sira Rego are active.

Vox invited democratic leaders to its Viva 24 event

A week ago I already spoke here about the Viva 24 meeting held by Vox in Madrid, which included, among others, the participation of the president of the Republic of Argentina, Javier Milei, and the prime ministers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, and of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, as well as the Israeli Minister of the Diaspora, Amichai Chikli. The names that I indicate in bold letters may appeal more or less to whoever reads this, but all of them are members of democratic governments that emerged from free elections, something that in communist China they have been waiting for 75 years (and I clarify "communist" because there is another China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), which is a free and democratic country).

Some meetings that expose the PSOE and the PP

Thus, a week after Vox received the support of democratic rulers, the PSOE and the PP meet with an antidemocratic party, with a totalitarian organization that has murdered more people than the Hamas terrorists . Is that the way that the PSOE and the PP have to show us their adherence to European values? Is this how, by meeting with the tyrants of communist China, they intend to give lessons in democracy to Vox, Which is the only one of the major Spanish parties that has been firmly criticizing that dictatorship?

I encourage PSOE and PP voters to ask themselves a question: do they want their votes to go to those who maintain friendly relations with an undemocratic party like the CPC? Perhaps many PSOE voters That no longer matters to them, because at the end of the day that party has allied itself with communists, pro-ETA and coup plotters without those voters having felt a single nausea. But do PP voters see it well that their party asks them to vote to stop the left and then meets with the CPC?

The attitude of the media related to the PSOE and the PP towards these meetings

For the rest, what would happen if Vox had a friendly meeting with the single party of a dictatorship? Unlike the PSOE and the PP, Vox has never done something like this, but you don't have to be a fortune teller to Imagine what would happen: the media hostile to Vox (which is the vast majority) would harshly criticize that party and would be reminding it of that meeting constantly in the coming years. How many media outlets related to the PSOE and the PP have criticized the meetings of leaders of those parties with the CPC? How many have even reported on those meetings?


Photos: Juanma Moreno.

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