Today is April 14, the day the Spanish left returns to give us the rattle with how cool the Second Republic was.
The Spanish left has been living for decades in the lie that the Second Republic was a model of democracy that should serve as a reference for our current democracy. Rather, that regime should serve as an example of what should not be done in a democracy, beginning with the sectarianism that the left exhibited since its establishment, a sectarianism that responded to an attempt to half of Spain (the leftist one) for liquidating the other half.
The eagerness with which the left appropriated the Second Republic from its inception was evident in the general elections of November 1933, the first in which women were able to exercise their right to vote, a right that was rejected by a part of the left alleging that women were Catholic and would vote for the right. After that display of anti-democratic spirit came another much worse one, when after the electoral victory of the center-right , the PSOE led a violent and bloody coup d'état in 1934 which was the prelude to the Spanish Civil War.
We must not forget that during the Second Republic, and at the initiative of the left, fundamental rights were violated such as freedom of speech, freedom of education, religious freedom (with episodes as brutal as the burning of churches and convents already in 1931, repeated by the left in February 1936) and freedom of the press, which was curtailed by constant recourse to censorship governmental
The attacks on freedoms during the Second Republic were constant, and were marked by allegations of the Socialist Party PSOE in favor of establishing a "socialist dictatorship" (words pronounced by its then president, Francisco Largo Caballero ) and by murders committed by socialist gunmen, with well-known examples such as "La Motorizada" of the PSOE. This wave of political violence and attacks on freedoms unleashed by the left reached its peak in the assassination of the right-wing deputy Calvo Sotelo by PSOE hitmen on July 13, 1936, a fact that ended triggered the Civil War.
Any naive person will think that when the left extols the Second Republic, it is not referring to those dark facts, but to its successes. It is enough to see the attacks on the Rule of Law by the current left to understand what it really longs for from that regime: its anti-democratic stench, fed by socialists and communists. They don't miss the Second Republic for what it was democratic, but for what it was dictatorial. It is the same totalitarian vein that the PSOE and the PCE extolled at that time.
Let us remember that at that time they exhibited their disgust with that regime but not from an anti-democratic perspective, but from the perspective of those who wanted to knock down the little that the Republic had of democracy to complete the task and turn Spain into a replica of the USSR, which is what the left ended up doing on the Republican side during the Spanish Civil War, even imitating mass murders that the Soviets had already perpetrated in Bolshevik Russia. We can be thankful that Spain has once again had a constitutional monarchy that gives a thousand turns to that Republic from a democratic point of view. What should alarm us is that we still have the same liberticidal left as then.
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