An obscene display of cynicism from the former spokesperson of Podemos

Pablo Echenique supported the reduction of sentences for rapists and now blames the judges

Esp 8·28·2023 · 17:32 0

Of all the deputies who have passed through the Congress of Deputies, there is one who takes his displays of cynicism to grotesque extremes.

They knew what they were doing: the far-left justifies the reduction of sentences for rapists
The cynicism of favoring a thousand rapists and then making a scandal over a kiss

Echenique blames the judges for the reduction of sentences for rapists

This Monday it was known that the Supreme Court has lowered the sentence of two brothers who got drunk and raped a minor. As on other occasions, the reduction of sentences is done in application of the "only yes is yes" law, a law that has benefited more than 1,100 sexual offenders and that has served to release more than a hundred. This is a law promoted by the Ministry of Equality, in the hands of Podemos, the partners of Pedro Sánchez.

Well then: after the news broke, Pablo Echenique, former deputy of Podemos and former spokesperson for the parliamentary group of that far-left party, has branded the Thursdays of the Supreme Court as "Rubiales with a toga" and has accused them of that sentence reduction , saying that "they have gone back to benefiting rapists". This statement is especially infamous, because in every democratic country judges are not the ones who make the laws, but simply apply them on a case-by-case basis.

Those who make the laws are not the judges, but the legislators

In a democratic country, those who make the laws are the legislators, both the executive branch and the legislative branch, which is in charge of approving them. And who were the legislators who approved that law? There were a total of 205 deputies, including 33 from Podemos. Anyone who wants to check it out only has to go to the page of the parliamentary dossier of that law (clicking here) and download the PDF (clicking here) of the last plenary vote on August 25, 2022, with which said law was approved by 205 votes in favor, 141 against and 3 abstentions.

Echenique was one of the 205 deputies who supported this reduction of sentences

On page 4 of the PDF are the votes in favor issued by the Grupo Parlamentario Confederal de Unidas Podemos-En Comú Podem-Galicia en Común. The seventh deputy that appears is this: "Echenique Robba, Pablo". He is the then spokesman for the parliamentary group of Podemos, the same one that this morning wrote the tweet to which I referred above, blaming the judges. Thus, if these violators see their sentences reduced, it is because Echenique and 204 other deputies supported that reduction, a reduction that judges are obliged to apply, because otherwise they would commit a crime of prevarication.

Echenique is not only a toxic person, who proves to have no scruples and who dedicates himself to spreading hoaxes and insulting in the most base way all those who do not think like him, but also he is a cynic who blames the judges for a penal reduction that came into force because he and 204 other deputies supported it, an obscene display of cynicism, typical of someone who shows not even an iota of shame. I hope the judges take legal action against him. It's enough that this wretch is dedicated to throwing garbage at others to hide what he did to lower the sentences for rapists in Spain.

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