The leader of Vox reproached the PP for its alliance with the socialists in Brussels

Abascal's criticism of the PP for allying in the EU with those who betrayed “Ukraine and Poland”

European politics appeared this Tuesday in the speech of Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, in the Congress of Deputies.

Feijóo thanks Vox for its support by criticizing its existence and receives a great reply from Abascal
A European NGO points to Vox as the Spanish party that most opposes the Putin regime

The role of Esteban González Pons in the Popular Party

During his speech at the investiture session of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Abascal mentioned Esteban González Pons, MEP of the Popular Party, vice president of the parliamentary group of the European People's Party since 2014 and member of the National Executive Committee of the PP since 2008. González Pons is one of the MEPs who have participated in the political persecution against Poland by the political elite of Brussels, aligning themselves with the European left.

Let us remember that in 2019, before the last European elections, González Pons boasted of the alliance of the European People's Party with the socialists in Brussels, an alliance "in which parties like Vox, from the extreme right" are always "excluded", according to what the PP MEP said then, who has always been one of the leaders of that party who have treated Vox with the most hostility.

Abascal remembers the socialist businesses with Russian companies

In his speech yesterday (you can watch the video on these lines), Abascal referred to the position of González Pons and his contacts with the Junts separatists (see point 0:15:56 of the video), stating:

"Mr. González Pons, you are wrong to try to normalize a political force like Justs as a democratic party nor is it convenient in Europe to take the path of socialism, even though you vote mostly with the socialists in the European Parliament, the same socialists whose corrupt dealings in the European Union with Russian gas companies have served to betray Ukraine and Poland, and have endangered our security and our energy supply."

The case of former German Social Democratic Chancellor Gerhard Schröder

Abascal's words are a reference to, for example, the Russian businesses of former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder, former president of the Social Democratic Party of Germany and until last year president of the board of directors of Rosneft, Russia's most important oil company, a position to which he was appointed on September 26, 2017 by the Russian government, which controls that company. Schröder has been a defender of Russia for years, to such an extent that last year the employees of his office resigned in rejection of their affinity with the Kremlin.

González Pons' lies to discredit Vox

In the 13 years he has been on Twitter, González Pons has not written a single tweet about Schröderand his Russian business dealings, perhaps so as not to upset his socialist allies in Brussels? Yes, Vox has been attacked a lot, even resorting to lies, as it did on February 4, 2022, when said the following on his Twitter account: "Vox is lukewarm with Putin because Russia is a fascist dictatorship. And that They don't dislike it." Vox is not fascist nor has it ever supported any fascist dictatorship: in this González Pons copies the lies of the left.

But also, 11 days before González Pons published that lie, Vox publicly aligned itself with Poland and in defense of the "territorial sovereignty of Ukraine" in the face of Russian threats invasion, which took place just one month later. A few months earlier, in September 2021, Vox MEP Hermann Tertsch said in the European Parliament : "Putin is neither trustworthy nor respects human rights, the EU must be firm and united against Putin's Russia."

Let us also remember that Vox has voted more times than the PP against Russia in Brussels. In fact, Vox has been the Spanish party most critical of Russia in the EU, above the PP. If that is what González Pons considers lukewarmness, how does he rate the PP's position?


Photo: Vox Congreso.

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