A new outrage by the socialist leader against the victims of terrorism

Sánchez breaks his word and meets with Bildu, which does not condemn the terrorism of ETA and Hamas

Pedro Sánchez has today become the first president of the Spanish government to meet with the pro-ETA members of EH Bildu.

Bildu splashes Pedro Sánchez again by refusing to condemn tributes to terrorists
The links of Yolanda Díaz's party with a terrorist group that supports Hamas

Sánchez and the PSOE hide the photos of the meeting

In the entire history of Spanish democracy, no president of the government had agreed to meet publicly or be photographed with a far-left separatist party that refuses to condemn the terrorism of ETA, a criminal gang that has murdered 853 Spaniards, including 22 children, and which has caused hundreds of injuries and mutilations.

The photos of this meeting were published by Bildu at 10:35 this morning. Although the meeting took place at the headquarters of the socialist parliamentary group in the Congress of Deputies, neither Pedro Sánchez nor the PSOE have published any photos of the meeting, perhaps because they know that this is a new outrage to the victims of terrorism.

Sánchez had no qualms about shaking hands with María Mercedes Aizpurúa, a Bildu deputy who She was convicted of advocating terrorism.

Sánchez attended this meeting accompanied by the organization secretary of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, while Aizpurúa was accompanied by Gorka Elejabarrieta.

Sánchez dijo que no se reuniría con Bildu

This meeting with the pro-ETA party is a new breach by Sánchez, who has become a fan of committing to one thing and doing the opposite. In February 2016, his party spread these statements by Sánchez: "I am not going to meet with Bildu. I will meet with Esquerra and DyL to tell them that I do not share their project."

In September 2016, the PSOE released this other statement from Sánchez: "The only party we are not going to engage in dialogue with is Bildu. When I say dialogue it is not negotiation."

In statements collected by the Efe agency in February 2016, Sánchez assured that he would not meet with Bildu "even if it was to say no," and added: "They have to do a few things that are quite important for a party like ours, which has suffered the terrorism in the first person and has always been in the face of terrorism." Bildu maintains its 2016 positions: it continues without condemning terrorism and continues to pay tribute to terrorists. What has changed is the position of the PSOE, which now agrees to meet with the pro-ETA members.

Harsh criticism from the opposition of this meeting between Sánchez and Bildu

This meeting has received harsh criticism from the opposition. The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has declared: "Pedro Sánchez's pact with Bildu is the pact of shame. No president should speak to those who refuse to collaborate to clarify the crimes of terrorism. As I said in the investiture, with Bildu there is nothing to agree on."

Likewise, Santiago Abascal, president of Vox and who lived under escort for many years after having been threatened with death by ETA, has recalled Aizpurúa's history: "Convicted of advocating terrorism, friend of ETA members and editor of ETA propaganda. Today she is a member of the autocrat Sánchez. He is guilty, but there are others responsible: those who voted NO to the illegalization of Bildu when VOX proposed it in Congress."

Bildu's recent favors to the terrorist group ETA

It must be remembered that at the end of July, after announcing his support for Sánchez, Bildu voted against a tribute to Miguel Ángel Blanco, Popular Party councilor murdered by ETA. A few weeks later, Bildu members participated in a tribute to an ETA terrorist. On September 21, in the Basque Parliament, Bildu was the only party that refused to condemn tributes to terrorists.

Bildu also refuses to condemn Hamas terrorism

On the other hand, after the terrorist attack launched by Hamas against Israel on October 7 (with more of 1,300 Israeli citizens murdered, 120 kidnapped and more than 3,200 injured), on Monday the 9th the Parliament of Navarra voted an institutional declaration of condemnation in its Board of Spokespersons. Bildu voted against, just as he has been voting against all statements condemning ETA's terrorism.

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